American Border Patrol agents discovered a cross-border tunnel that started in the Mexican side of Nogales and entered the United States.
The entry point was submerged underwater along an international waterway channel that was built below both cities of Nogales; the tunnel was adjacent to the Port of Nogales and came to a stop beneath a parking lot in Nogales, Arizona.
“Agents will continue to monitor and inspect the incomplete tunnel until it is properly secured and remediated with concrete filler.”
While three tunnels have now been found in Nogales recently, before then no tunnels had been discovered in about two years.
The tunnel stretched 627 feet, including 336 feet in the United States, but did not have an exit point into America.
“Agents reported that there was a solar panel system used to run the electrical, lighting, and ventilation systems that were in the tunnel. There were also two sump-pump systems within the tunnel to pump out any water that gathered in the tunnel,” the Border Patrol said.

Tunnels Under Border
The exact number of tunnels is unknown but some figures exist indicating there have been hundreds dug and found over the years.Lance Lenoir, the head of the five-member Tunnel Rats team, described many of them as primitive and not sophisticated.
“I would not want to give our enemies that kind of credit,” he said. “The only thing that’s of note when it comes to these tunnels in San Diego is their persistence and audacity.”
The tunnels are used to smuggle illegal immigrants into the United States, in addition to drugs.
The cover was opened by turning the water on at an outdoor spigot; a hydraulic pump system forced a section of the floor to rise about eight feet. The tunnel was equipped with a rail system for carts and lights.
Several other major tunnels were found in the ‘90s, the outlet said, but things really started ramping up in the 2000s, with the number of tunnels being discovered increasing dramatically.