WASHINGTON—Throngs of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in the election process.
Marching towards the Supreme Court, participants held signs that read “Stop the Steal,” “Make America Fair Again,” and “Trump 2020.” Before the start of the march, the crowd heard speeches from prominent Trump supporters including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), My Pillow founder Mike Lindell, and several other activists.
Freedom Plaza and other parts of central D.C. seemed heavily crowded. Ed Martin, one of the event co-organizers, said he estimates 500 thousand people took part, though he says some media are falsely claiming only a few hundred participated.

Similar events, although smaller in scale, were organized in around 50 other states on the same day.
Trump tweeted about the rallies on Nov. 13, saying it was heartwarming to “see all of the tremendous support out there, especially the organic Rallies that are springing up all over the Country, including a big one on Saturday in D.C.” Before the official start of the rally, Trump’s motorcade passed through Freedom Plaza, where he greeted participants.

The contested presidential election still remains undecided, as most state results haven’t yet been certified and legal challenges and recounts are pending in key swing states. The Trump campaign has requested a recount in Wisconsin, and Georgia had announced a recount. The Trump campaign has also filed legal challenges in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan while indicating there will be more cases filed in other states in the days ahead.
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a temporary order on Nov. 6 requiring Pennsylvania to segregate ballots that arrived after election day on Nov. 3. The Trump campaign has launched a lawsuit in the state, alleging that state election officials had “mismanaged the election process.” The Republican Party of Arizona has launched a lawsuit seeking a hand count of votes by precinct, hoping it could yield a more accurate sampling of vote tallies. The Trump campaign has also filed a lawsuit alleging pervasive election irregularities and violations in a county in Michigan.

Several networks, including CNN, NBC, and Fox News have declared Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden the winner, a claim rejected by Trump who said, “the election is far from over.”

Event organizer Alexander told The Epoch Times that the organization coalition plans to hold events every Saturday at noon in every state capitol until the electoral college makes a decision on the presidency.
“So, stay in the streets, is my message to the public because they’re censoring us online. They’re lying to us through mainstream media. So the only way we can keep communicating these ideas and true events is if we meet offline. And so that’s what we’re doing,” Alexander said.