There’s a phenomenon being observed in America today: “an attempt at changing reality” to foster a new Marxist revolution, says Mike Gonzalez, an author of two books on the topic.
“So what we see with ‘Black Lives Matter,’ what we see with the ‘1619 Project’ ... is to replace the American narrative, to replace the idea of America from all men are created equal, we’re all free ... with this idea that we’re an awful country, that our history is hideous, that our system is racist itself—that the system must be changed.”
Most people believe reality can’t be changed, because they believe in an ultimate and fundamental truth—in natural law, or in God—but Marxists don’t believe any of that, Gonzalez said.
Gonzalez says the concept of “black lives matter” is “unimpeachable.”
“Seven billion people on earth matter. And we’re all children of God. But I think it’s important—given our history—to affirm that the lives of our black co-citizens, compatriots, matter because we know the history.”

The BLM founders say they’re trained Marxists, the expert noted.
Gonzalez cited the words of Gramsci, who said that in the West, in societies with strong civic society, you need to have a war of position.
“In other words, you have to take the worker, infiltrate them, indoctrinate them, teach them that the family was a form of oppression, teach them that the nation-state was a form of oppression, teaching that private property led to war and more oppression. That is what we have today, except here in America, we practice it through the lens of the race with critical race theory,” Gonzales said.
The core of Marxist thought is that the family, the nation-state, private property, as well as the beliefs in God and religion, had to be abolished, Gonzalez said, adding that the workers at that time didn’t agree with any of that.
From the mid-19th century until 1917, when the first Marxist revolution succeeded, the workers during these 70 or so years liked the nation-state, were patriotic, loyal to God, and really liked private property, he said.
Therefore, the Marxist revolution failed miserably in Central and Western Europe—exactly the place where Marx had said it would succeed, Gonzalez said.
“These communist thinkers in Italy and Germany came up with the idea that Marx had been right on the strategy on getting rid of the nation-state and private property, but his tactic needed to be upgraded.
“Marx’s tactic was that it was going to be the material forces of society—economics—was going to determine everything,” but these communist intellectuals in the 1920s in Europe realized that it was culture—not economy—that accounts for how man behaves, Gonzalez said. “The Marxism we see in America today—it’s that type of Marxism.
BLM’s Impact

At a 2019 gathering of progressives in Maine, Garza said, “America itself was founded on violence, steeped in white supremacy, and predicated on theft and genocide.
Gonzalez said: “In 2020, we had months of destabilization. And ... with critical race theory, there’s been a real attempt at changing our culture from within.”

BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which the identity of the perpetrators was known, according to Gonzalez.
Representatives of Black Lives Matter didn’t respond to a request for comment by press time.
The results of the riots are still felt today, the expert noted.
“The jump in the murder rate in 2020 was astronomical; it was 30 percent,” Gonzalez said. “It was the highest increase in the homicide rate in history.
“We know from statistics that over 50 percent of people murdered are African Americans. This is a lot of additional black lives that were lost. Don’t they matter?”
BLM had a plan when it carried out protests and riots in 2020, he said.
The organization has millions in financial resources obtained through fundraising.
“Across our entities and partners, we have raised just over $90 million in one year, 2020” with an average donation of $30.64, the BLM report said. Expenses such as staffing, operating and administrative expenses, civic engagement, programs, field expenses, rapid response, crisis intervention, and its “get out the vote” campaign amounted to $8.4 million.
BLM sent out 127 million emails related to their activities in 2020, which resulted in 1.2 million actions taken, according to its report.
He explained why he penned these books that expose the Marxist infiltration in the United States.
“The fact that I spent the first 12 years of my life in a communist country in Cuba has made me recognize them right away. ... I know how culture was destroyed. I know how a country was destroyed. America is my country. I don’t want to see happen to America [what has happened] to the country of my birth.”