Mark Ruffalo Talks The Hulk; Says Robert Downey Jr. Is ‘Like an Older Brother’

Mark Ruffalo Talks The Hulk; Says Robert Downey Jr. Is ‘Like an Older Brother’
Actor Mark Ruffalo leaves following the screening of Foxcatcher at the 67th international film festival, Cannes, southern France, Monday, May 19, 2014. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Kristina Skorbach

During a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, American actor and environmental activist, Mark Ruffalo, talked about his relationship with costar Robert Downey Jr., his Hulk character, and his future roles. 

While in the midst of filming the latest “Avengers” film with Robert Downey Jr, Ruffalo spoke of their friendship since the first time they worked together on the set of “Zodiac” in 2006. 

“We have a really good friendship. We’ve known each other since before Zodiac. And he’s kind of like an older brother that I wish I had. He sort of looks out for me, and I remember when the role came up in the movie, I reached out to him, I was nervous about it, I said ‘I don’t know if I can do this’ and he said ’It’s alright buddy, I gotcha.'”

“What makes you Hulk level angry?” asked one fan. 

“People messing up the environment with little care of the people and living things it will effect. Climate Change denial bums me out but that is mostly people who just haven’t looked too deeply into the issue or have very little regard for science. Cruelty, and selfishness upset me and greed is a major ugly quality in people.Wars also suck,” Ruffalo replied. 

Then a fan asked Ruffalo whether he'd be able to go on playing the Hulk for many years to come. 

“As long as they‘ll have me. I did the math, and in 3 more movies I’ll be in my 50’s, and I don’t know if anyone wants to see a gray-haired Hulk. Maybe that’s not true...” Ruffalo said.

To read the complete AMA on Reddit, click here

Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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