Officials in Arizona’s largest county on Monday urged the state Senate to bring to an end an audit that is reviewing ballots cast and machines used in the 2020 presidential election.
“It is time to end this. For the good of the Senate, for the good of the Country and for the good of the Democratic institutions that define us as Americans,” the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and two other county officials wrote to Arizona GOP Senate President Karen Fann.
Auditors had also said they found an entire database directory from an election machine had been deleted.
The board called the accusations “false, defamatory, and beneath the dignity of the Senate.” Members said they had provided proper chain-of-custody documentation to the state Senate’s liaison, former Republican Secretary of State Ken Bennett. They also said that each box was sealed with tamper-evident tape or “standard clear sturdy packing tape” and that the supposed batch discrepancies stemmed from a misunderstanding of how election tabulation works.
Board members challenged the claim of database deletion, asserting that no data was deleted on April 12.
County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican, told members in a meeting on Monday that he witnessed the transference of all election databases to the Senate and that the Dominion passwords are not needed to run any operations, including elections.
“This is like how you can run Microsoft Windows on your computer without having access to Microsoft Windows source code,” he said.
Asked for a comment on the board’s new letter, Fann, the state Senate’s president, told The Epoch Times that the Senate will hold a hearing/meeting to receive an update on the audit from the vendor and to address questions submitted to them and the county’s recent communications.
County officials said they will not attend the meeting, which will take place at 1 p.m. Mountain Time.

Supervisor Bill Gates of the GOP said on Monday that the board respected the decision by the judge but added that it would not participate in “a political theater” by joining the meeting.
“The Arizona Senate is better than that. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is better than that,” he said.
Routers were listed in the subpoenas, as was access to election machines.
Chairman Jack Sellers, a Republican, indicated that the county would no longer cooperate with the state Senate or its auditors.
“This board is done explaining anything to these people who are playing investigator with our constituents’ ballots and equipment paid for with real people’s tax dollars,” he said.
“I would hope that Senate President Fann steps up, show some political courage, pushes back, gets rid of these contractors that have no business at the Coliseum,” Supervisor Steve Gallardo, a Democrat, added.
The defiance from the board rankled some Republicans.
Kelli Ward, chair of the Arizona GOP, said in a video that the board members “view themselves as above the law, above review, above reproach.”
“Who gives these local officials the right to challenge the constitutional authority of the Arizona Senate and of the Arizona courts?” she wondered.