Man Triggers a Shooting by Pointing a Replica Handgun at Officers


Los Angeles police officers’ body cameras recently captured the pursuit of a suspect with a replica handgun and an officer-involved shooting, according to video released by the Los Angeles Police Department on Oct. 5.

The incident happened around 11:23 p.m. on Aug. 20 in the 2200 block of Ocean View Avenue. Police officers found a lone male black individual, who was later identified as 35-year-old Dennis Smith.

The man was riding a bicycle in the middle of the street, and police moved to question the suspect.

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The officer-involved shooting occurred in the 2200 block of Ocean View Avenue on Aug. 20, 2018. (Screenshot/LAPD)
The officer-involved shooting occurred in the 2200 block of Ocean View Avenue on Aug. 20, 2018. Screenshot/LAPD

When Smith noticed an officer step out of the car, he got on his bicycle and rode away. The officer driving the police vehicle immediately started to pursue Smith and fired once at him when Smith took a “handgun” from his cargo shorts and pointed at the officer.

The body camera on another officer, who pursued by foot when he saw Smith flee, captured the moment Smith raised the “handgun.”

After the shot was fired, Smith fell off the bicycle down to the ground but then kept running away. Two officers later arrested the suspect near the St. Vincent Medical Center after a short pursuit.

The replica handgun picked up by an officer was a CO2 powered BB pistol. (Screenshot/LAPD)
The replica handgun picked up by an officer was a CO2 powered BB pistol. Screenshot/LAPD

The “handgun” that was used by the suspect when he pointed at the officer was recovered after being discarded by Smith during the pursuit.

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“The replica handgun picked up by the officer was a CO2 powered BB pistol,” said Captain Patricia Sandoval of the LAPD on a video released by the department.

Smith was later booked for resisting an officer and violating probation.

35-year-old Dennis Smith was booked for resisting arrest. (Screenshot/LAPD)
35-year-old Dennis Smith was booked for resisting arrest. Screenshot/LAPD

No one in the incident was hurt by the gunshot.

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Josh Rubenstein, public information director for the LAPD, said the incident will continue to be investigated over the next several months.

“After the investigation is completed, the Civilian Board of Police Commissioners will evaluate the evidence to determine whether the officers tactics and use of force met the high standards expected of all LAPD officers,” said Rubenstein.

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