Man Joins Trump’s Cincinnati Rally to Fulfill a 32-Year-Old Wish

Man Joins Trump’s Cincinnati Rally to Fulfill a 32-Year-Old Wish
An attendee holds a "Keep America Great" sign as President Donald Trump speaks to the crowd during a campaign rally at Freedom Hall in Johnson City, Tennessee, on Oct. 1, 2018. Sean Rayford/Getty Images
Venus Upadhayaya

A retired man waited to fulfill his 32-year-old wish outside the U.S. Bank Arena, the venue for President Donald’s Trump’s rally at Cincinnati, Ohio on the evening of Aug. 1.

A Trump supporter, Tim Dever read “Trump: The Art of the Deal” when he was studying economics in college.

“I’m hoping to get a book autographed tonight. Thirty-two years ago when I was in college I was failing economics and I had the opportunity to do a book report to pass the class.

Tim, Dever, a Trump supporter talks to The Epoch Times' affiliate, NTDTV outside the U.S. Bank Arena, at Cincinnati, Ohio on Aug. 1. (NTDTV)
Tim, Dever, a Trump supporter talks to The Epoch Times' affiliate, NTDTV outside the U.S. Bank Arena, at Cincinnati, Ohio on Aug. 1. NTDTV

“So I bought the book ‘Trump: The Art of the Deal’ and I ended up getting a B in the economics class. So I graduated from college in 87, shortly after the book came out,” Dever told NTDTV, an affiliate of The Epoch Times.

Thursday’s rally is President Trump’s seventh visit to the Greater Cincinnati region since he announced his candidacy for the White House in 2015.

Trump, who’s upcoming election was described by Vice President Pence as a choice between “freedom and socialism,” will focus on battleground states and exploit the ideological divides in the Democratic Party.

“The people on the stage tonight, and last, were not those that will either Make America Great Again or Keep America Great! Our Country now is breaking records in almost every category, from Stock Market to Military to Unemployment. We have prosperity & success like never before..,” Trump wrote on Twitter soon after the Wednesday night’s debate.

Dever says his retirement pension has tripled since Trump became president and has his own arguments to support Trump.

“The big cry of the Democrats is he’s done nothing to help the poor. But I’m actually poor and he’s done great by me. So I’m hoping for another four years,” said Dever.

On Wednesday night, the Trump campaign slammed Democrats for having “no original thoughts” and promoting “socialist stupidity—eliminating private insurance, decriminalizing border crossings, higher taxes, getting rid of fossil fuels.”

“Another win for President Trump,” the campaign’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement.

Dever said the country will be in trouble if Trump is not re-elected.

“This country is in trouble if he doesn’t. From even the debate I heard last night, he shouldn’t have any problem at all,” he said.

“It was a Democratic debate and it made Trump really look good last night,” said Dever.

Another Trump supporter, 83-year-old Paul Johnson, waited outside the venue on Thursday afternoon and said he believes Trump will remain in power.

Paul Johnson, a Trump supporter talks to The Epoch Times' affiliate, NTDTV outside the U.S. Bank Arena, at Cincinnati, Ohio on Aug. 1. (NTDTV)
Paul Johnson, a Trump supporter talks to The Epoch Times' affiliate, NTDTV outside the U.S. Bank Arena, at Cincinnati, Ohio on Aug. 1. NTDTV

“When Donald Trump was elected President, Amazon stock was $787. This morning it was $1,900. Now if you’ve got a 401k tell me again why you hate Trump? That’s a joke!

“I believe he is going to win bigger than last time. I like to say: God Bless America again and God Bless Donald Trump big time,” said Johnson.

Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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