Lin Wood Changes Legal Residence to South Carolina From Georgia

Lin Wood Changes Legal Residence to South Carolina From Georgia
Attorneys L. Lin Wood (C) and Mark Stephen (L) speak to the media about their client, British rescue diver Vernon Unsworth (rear), as they arrive at U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, Calif. on Dec. 3, 2019. (Apu Gomes/Getty Images)
Mimi Nguyen Ly

Attorney Lin Wood, who pursued legal efforts seeking investigations into election integrity following the November 2020 presidential election, said he has moved his legal residence to South Carolina from Georgia.

“I have changed my legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina!” Wood announced on his Telegram channel, adding that he is “thrilled” about the move.

“I have lived in Georgia since I was 3 years old (65 years). I still love the Peach State but Georgia has deteriorated over the years to become one of the most corrupt states in the country, if not the most corrupt,” he wrote.

“Every state has problems. Like individuals, states are imperfect. But Georgia has spun out of control and is heavily influenced by the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] through corrupt state officials.

“I love the land in the Low Country of South Carolina and the people here are simply wonderful. South Carolina has welcomed me. Georgia has falsely accused me and shunned me.”

“I started my life in North Carolina in 1952 and plan to live in South Carolina until the Lord calls me back north to my eternal home in Heaven,” he wrote. “Sometimes in context, going from the North to the South is a really good thing. Now I can vote against Lindsey Graham!”

The move comes after the State Bar of Georgia informed Wood that he would have to undergo and submit a mental health evaluation to keep his license to practice law. He refused.

“I have done nothing wrong. I have only exercised my right of free speech,” Wood wrote in a post on Jan. 29. “I will not allow the State Bar to persecute me for doing so and thereby violate my Constitutional rights.”

“IF the State Bar of Georgia formally requests that I submit to a mental health examination in order to maintain my license to practice law, I will respectfully decline to do so. I am of sound mind and I have not violated any rule of professional conduct,” he wrote at the time.

State Bar of Georgia Chief Operating Officer Sarah Coole confirmed to Reuters that Wood had been asked to undergo a mental health evaluation but declined to comment further.

The request from the State Bar of Georgia came weeks after Wood was banned from Twitter.

Separately, in January, a Delaware state judge blocked Wood from representing Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. The judge said that Wood, a longtime defamation lawyer, had made claims on Twitter about Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts that were “too disgusting and outrageous to repeat.”

Wood made news headlines in late 2020 after he filed lawsuits in Georgia against alleged election fraud following the 2020 November election. In an interview with The Epoch Times’ “Crossroads” in December 2020, Wood said that courts were dismissing evidence of election fraud because the judges were compromised or threatened, and the CCP was ultimately behind the phenomenon.
Reuters contributed to this report.