Video: Dog Rescuers Try to Save Fearful, Starving Stray Dog Living by Busy Freeway in LA

Video: Dog Rescuers Try to Save Fearful, Starving Stray Dog Living by Busy Freeway in LA
YouTube Screenshot | Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel

An abandoned, starving dog was living in a small enclose of shrubs and trees alongside a busy freeway in Los Angels. Saving her was no easy task for a pair of dog rescuers who were called to the scene, and it took both people to subdue the frightened pup. Thanks to the efforts of these animal lovers, the pooch received the care she needed and ended up adopted in a new loving home.

Since September 2006, Eldad Hagar has been running the popular YouTube Channel Hope for Paws, where he regularly uploads videos of his challenging stray dog rescue missions. One such story is that of Hanako.
©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel </a>
At the beginning of the heartwarming video, a caption explained that Hope for Paws had received an “urgent text” about a feral dog living by a freeway. So Hagar went to the location to try and help. Upon approaching the stray for the first time, she started barking at him before running away into the thick shrubbery where Hagar could get to.

A couple of days after that first encounter, Hagar returned for a second attempt, this time with fellow animal rescuer Loreta Frankonyte. They came up with a plan to safely capture the pup while avoiding her running onto the busy road.

Frankonyte approached from on top of a rise, while Hagar remained at the bottom of the slope, with the pooch in the middle, amidst the brush. The woman first heard the scared pooch, which was barking but still couldn’t see her.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel </a>

Terrified, the pup is seen suddenly running towards the bottom of the hill, as she had before. But this time, Hagar was prepared. As the fearful dog ran past him, he swiftly looped a snare around her neck and captured her fast. Cautiously, the pair closed in and offered some treats in a bid to gain her trust.

Soon, they had her calmed down and she showed signs of obedience, and Frankonyte petted her and led her back to their rescue SUV. According to a caption in the video, Frankonyte named the stray Hanako “in honor of her own dog who had just passed away.”

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel </a>

After scanning her, the pair of rescuers found that Hanako had a microchip. “Maybe it will be a nice happy Christmas reunion,” Frankonyte said hopefully. Sadly, it wasn’t the case.

At the animal hospital, they learned what had happened. As it turned out, a woman had adopted both Hanako and her sister to avoid them getting euthanized. The woman told Hope for Paws that after the adoption, she gave both dogs away to strangers and had no idea “who or where they were.” She then signed away Hanako to the rescue.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel </a>

The clip then shows a happy and newly bathed Hanako snuggling with Frankonyte. So affectionate, especially for a dog that only hours earlier was starving and afraid living by the freeway!

According to the video caption, after she received medical treatment, LA Animal Rescue fostered and helped Hanako gain some much-needed weight. Incredibly, it took them only two months to find her “the most amazing, loving forever home.” Her new parents renamed the pup Luna.
©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel </a>

The touching video ends with the two rescuers visiting Luna at her new home. The clip shows her playing and running around with another little dog, Max. Luna looks happy and healthy and so different from the emaciated pup they first came across months earlier.

Watch the video:
Video courtesy of Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel (Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter)