While for most people in North America or Europe the idea of eating dogs is completely horrific, the practice is not unknown among a minority of people in several large countries in Asia, including China, South Korea, and Vietnam.
But attitudes toward the dog meat trade have changed dramatically in recent years, with governments cracking down on the business, especially in response to charges that animal meat sellers kidnap dogs off the streets and even from people’s houses for sale. Even more important, ordinary people in China are taking action to rescue dogs destined for the chopping block.
As Xingyi Danielle, a young Singaporean woman whose father works in China, posted on Twitter, she and her father saw a group of men down an alley with a group of live dogs, which they were selling for meat. Danielle was especially shocked because she had never met anyone in China who ate dogs. The poor pups were being kept wrapped up in sacks where they couldn’t move and could barely breathe.
Unfortunately, Lucky wasn’t allowed to live at Danielle’s father’s apartment building, so her dad kept him at his office. The pup enjoyed his new freedom but also did a fair bit of damage by chewing things up, as Danielle believed he might have been young enough to be teething.
“My dad’s colleagues are complaining about the mess Lucky is making, but he’s still trying his best to provide a good environment for him,” she told The Dodo.
From the first pictures of Lucky tied up in a mesh bag to a dog smiling and panting in a garden, this rescue came a long way. As for Danielle, she was really impressed with the action that her dad took.
“I was quite proud, to be honest,” Danielle told The Dodo, knowing that her father’s timely actions had saved at least one pup from slaughter. Though Danielle’s father couldn’t keep Lucky long-term as he already has two dogs at home, he was able to place him with a trusted friend who’s given Lucky the forever home he deserves.
The bravery of these local people standing up to the cruel theft of household pets and strays from the streets has given many people hope that the Yulin Festival will one day disappear.
And it all starts with the actions of individuals, like Danielle and her father, who gave Lucky the new lease on life he deserved!