Identical Twins Give Birth to Daughters on Same Day

Identical Twins Give Birth to Daughters on Same Day
Illustration - Shutterstock

Being a twin is one of the most unique and special bonds anyone can have with another human being.

For sisters Bao Nhia Julia Yang and Bao Kou Julie Yang, of Fresno, California, that meant sharing almost everything growing up. The 23-year-old sisters were excited, then, when they learned that they would be experiencing one of the most special journeys of their lives together, as well.

Bao Kou and Bao Nhia discovered they were both pregnant at the same time, despite insisting it wasn’t planned. The pair experienced the nerves and excitement of their impending motherhood together, thrilled that their daughters were set to grow up just a few days apart.

Then, in November 2018, Bao Kou started to experience some pain and spotting, and called up Bao Nhia to let her know that she was going to check in to the hospital—she was sure it was the day.

To her surprise, Bao Nhia revealed that she was heading in with what she believed were labor pains, too!

“I started having like, I started spotting, so I think I knew that I was going to be in labor. And then I told her, and she was like, ‘I’m having pain here and there, too. I might be in there with you, too,’” Bao Kou explained to local news site KPGE.

Sure enough, the pair were both admitted on the same day, and ended up delivering a pair of daughters that would share a birthday just like their moms!

Candra Thao was born 7 pounds, 3 ounces (approx. 3.26 kg), while her cousin Nadalie Xiong was born 7 pounds exactly (approx. 3.17 kg). The pair are just an hour apart in age, making them possibly the most unique set of cousins out there.

Both babies were delivered by the same nurse, an 18-year veteran of Fresno’s Community Regional Medical Center named Laura Schleicher.

Despite nearly two decades of service delivering babies, Schleicher said she’s never seen anything quite like this.

“They just had great timing,” she joked. “Very unique timing.”

Scientists still know very little about what makes twins so closely bonded, but this isn’t the first time that a pair of twins has found themselves experiencing pregnancy together—and in a handful of cases, the decision wasn’t intentional. Just this summer, a pair of identical twins in Cornwall, England, found themselves accidentally expecting their firsts at the same time after independently deciding to go off of birth control to start a family just two days apart.

Despite the unorthodox situation, though, Bao Kou and Bao Nhia are thrilled with the fact that their daughters will share such a special bond. After all, their mothers share something special, too.