How about that moment when you come out on the other side of the holidays, take that first sip of warm goodness in the morning, look around your house, and wonder what on earth just happened here?!
January is a uniquely apropos time to slow things down and give a little love to the inside of your warm, cozy home.
Of course, for many, the clutter may be so overwhelming, the urge to ignore it completely and check the newsfeed for the tenth time that day prevails.
Set Teeny, Tiny Goals
A ginormous goal might read, “Have the entire house perfectly organized and sparkling by Friday.” That’s enough to send anyone straight back to bed, covers pulled tightly over the head.A teeny, tiny goal might be, “Spend 5 minutes a day for the next month tidying,” or “Put away or get rid of (donate, recycle, regift) three items per day for the next month,” or “Add one item to the donation bin every day for the next month.”
New Rule: Leave Every Space Better Than You Found It
Make this a house rule that everyone must follow and things will really start shaping up. Like any habit, you may need to be reminded. Perhaps you’d like to pin up a sign with the rule on it. Even if you simply remove one out-of-place item or straighten a pillow in the room before you leave, you’re leaving it better than you found it. Soon, better will be the norm.When Motivation Strikes, Take Massive Action
At some point, teeny, tiny progress will pile up and that light at the end of the tunnel will become brighter. You’ll find yourself with a free chunk of time, some energy, and a wide look in your eyes. That’s when you want to tackle something bigger.Find Clutter in Unexpected Places
Clutter doesn’t only show up in material form. How’s your calendar? Your email inbox? Your mind? Dig in, clean up, make space, and breathe.The well-being that comes from a tidy space may almost seem unreasonable. However, for those that have managed to make it a reality, the proof is in the pudding. Utilize this post-holiday, wintry, inside season to clean up your space and enjoy more breathing room than you thought possible.