Every life is precious, and many believe that we are all here for a purpose. For an unwanted baby, there is no need to abandon them somewhere as sinister as the cold, dark woods, where it would have little chance of survival. There is plenty of help and support out there for mothers who are considering taking such steps.
After police arrived at the scene, a newborn baby girl was found—lying in a light-brown plastic shopping bag. In the footage, one police officer can be seen urgently ripping open the bag to then lift the infant out. She was still smeared with blood, and the umbilical cord was still attached.
“Look how precious you are,” one officer croons softly to the little girl, as another wraps her in a baby wrap. As another responder holds out a finger towards the baby, she can be seen to grab onto it—almost like you would if thrown a lifeline as you were drowning.
The baby girl was then taken to a local hospital for medical care and attention.
The person who contacted police after hearing what sounded like a baby in distress thought it was a wild animal, as no one would anticipate finding a discarded baby. “They discussed whether it was a wild animal—you don’t anticipate hearing a crying baby in the woods,” he said.
Thank God they went out and investigated the area and immediately called 911.
Sheriff Freeman said that the baby, nicknamed “India,” is doing very well and is under the care of the Georgia Department of Family and Children’s Services. Police hope members of the public can assist in identifying the child’s parents.
Other Countries’ Approach
Some countries approach the problem of abandoned babies differently. In South Korea, where babies are abandoned by the hundreds every year, Pastor Lee Jong-rak and his wife came up with the idea of the baby box. Parents are able to anonymously leave their unwanted babies in a small cubicle with the knowledge they will be well cared for.“One of the mothers told me that she had poison to kill both herself and her baby. So I told her, ‘Don’t do that. Come here with your baby,’” he added.
Pastor Lee Jong-rak believes in the value of human life. “They’re not the unnecessary ones in the world. God sent them here for a purpose,” he said. “Every life is precious.”
“People claim that I’m providing an atmosphere for parents with unwanted babies to easily discard them, they really don’t know what they’re talking about,” he added.
The orphanage is called Jusarang, which means “God’s love.”
Babies are often abandoned at train stations, rubbish dumps, and doorsteps all over the planet as though even the dignity of having someone care enough about them is beyond many hearts. Are some hearts truly turning to stone?