Dog Crashes Bachelor Party. Upon Tailing It to the Woods, They See What It Was Hiding

Dog Crashes Bachelor Party. Upon Tailing It to the Woods, They See What It Was Hiding
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When people think of bachelor parties, they probably imagine a lot of drinking and wild partying, maybe even a crazy trip to Las Vegas that you'll never forget ... or never remember.

But for a group of guys from Michigan who went to a cabin in the Tennessee woods for a five-day trip to celebrate their friend Mitchel Craddock’s upcoming marriage, things took a rather different turn. Strangely enough, it all started with a little bacon!

The guys had been enjoying their time together in the woods and were ready to have a good time. But first, they needed breakfast. While they were cooking, one of the party members burned a batch of bacon, so they opened up the front door to let some fresh air in.

What they didn’t realize was that the smell of sizzling bacon wafting out of the cabin was attracting creatures from the forest. As Mitchel Craddock told Good Morning America, “next thing we know, we look over and there’s a dog sitting at our front door.”

According to Craddock, “She was very friendly but very skittish—I thought maybe she had been booted out of a house before.” More than anything, she was hungry and thirsty. They could see it in her eyes.

“She just looked pretty skinny and you could see all her ribs, and she was definitely sniffing the bacon pretty good,” said Craddock. The guys started giving her food and whenever they went out, they always found her waiting for them back at the cabin. Since they couldn’t figure out where her original home was, they decided to call her Annie, the little orphan.

But after a few days, they started to suspect that Annie might not be alone. With regular food and water, they could see that her body was producing milk, meaning that she had given birth to some puppies not too long before. The guys also figured out that this sweet runaway dog became pretty fierce whenever someone drove near a particular area in the trees behind the cabin.

They decided to take a look. Craddock said, “we saw a hole, but there was just one puppy sticking his head out.” They started digging, and lo and behold, they found a whopping seven puppies! The friends were so touched by Annie’s devotion to her litter. “She literally gave them everything that she had,” Craddock told the Detroit Free Press.

The guys did the best they could to bathe the puppies, which were covered in fleas and very dirty. With the cute little puppies in front of them, they all agreed to help out with the rescue. “Our beer fund quickly turned into a puppy food fund,” Craddock joked.

Now that they had found Annie and her pups, what were they going to do with them? To leave them behind just wasn’t an option. As Craddock said, “there was no decision“ to be made. ”We found the puppies and the mom … we knew that no matter what we did, we could give them a better home than what they currently had.”

That meant that Annie and her litter were coming back to Michigan with them. While many bachelors get their guests a gift, Mitchel Craddock’s friends got puppies instead. When they got back, they found homes for all eight of the dogs, which thankfully live within a 5-mile radius of each other around Vicksburg, where the guys are from.

The dogs are healthy and happy in their new homes and have even been the stars of a special calendar put together by one of the groomsmen, Trevor Jennings, to support a Tennessee dog rescue charity, For the Love of Paws. Definitely a bachelor party that deserves to be remembered!