Convicted Pedophiles Will Now Be Chemically Castrated in Ukraine, New Law Decrees

Convicted Pedophiles Will Now Be Chemically Castrated in Ukraine, New Law Decrees
Michael Wing

It only makes sense that a community of human beings should do their utmost to protect their young, the most innocent and vulnerable of their members, and in the strongest ways possible.

This writer certainly thinks so.

There are some people who propose that there should be dire legal consequences for pedophiles, those vicious predators who rape and sexually abuse underage children.

Days ago, one nation in particular, the Ukraine, enacted new legal measures to crack down on child sex offenders. The new law now allows convicted pedophiles to be chemically castrated via forced injection in order to curb their sex drives.

The sweeping new law is aimed at those who are between the ages of 18 and 65 who are found guilty of raping children.

This follows the recent horrific rape and murder of one 11-year-old Daria Lukyanenko, from the Odessa region in Ukraine, who reportedly “fought back” against 22-year-old pedophile Nikolay Tarasov, who then raped and killed her, according to Daily Mail.

Her body was found in a village cesspool after a six-day search.

In the aftermath, angry locals surrounded the accused family’s home, and Tarasov’s mother “disowned” him.

Hundreds attended the victim’s funeral.

According to Ukraine’s national news agency, the new punishment involves the “forced injection of anti-androgen drugs consisting of chemicals that should reduce libido and sexual activity.”

Paired with this, another legal measure was passed that increases jail sentences for pedophilia from 12 years to 15 years. A public register will also be set up for those convicted of child rape, and they will be monitored for the rest of their lives by police after their release.

Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev (©Getty Images | <a href="">GENYA SAVILOV/AFP</a>)
Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev ©Getty Images | GENYA SAVILOV/AFP

Leader of the Ukraine’s Radical Party Oleg Lyashko, who proposed the new law, said, “Ukrainian law does not have a life term or death penalty for sex crimes against children.

“And it is very unlikely that the rapist would not be back to his ‘business’ again after release from jail.”

Police Chief Vyacheslav Abroskin said regarding the frequency of child sex attacks, “Five children were raped in four regions of Ukraine … within just 24 hours.”

Official numbers state that there were 320 child rapes in 2017; however, the actual number could run into the thousands.

The eastern European nation of Kazakhstan instituted a similar law that would see the chemical castration of youth sex offenders. This followed a report that incidences of child rape had doubled between the years 2010 and 2014.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">NIKITA TV</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | NIKITA TV

They purchased and stocked the chemical cyproterone, a steroidal anti-androgen originally created to treat cancer.

The drug affects each person differently, according to urologist Dr. Mirzakhmet Zhanadilov, and so doses are suited to each individual. For those who are more resistant to the drug, other measures will also be used to control testosterone levels.

Michael Wing
Michael Wing
Editor and Writer
Michael Wing is a writer and editor based in Calgary, Canada, where he was born and educated in the arts. He writes mainly on culture, human interest, and trending news.
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