Most of us would have caught our dogs staring into the wide screen of the television at least once. While it might seem that they have no real interest in what they are watching, one could be wrong. This pooch from Tennessee is here to give some insight into what a dog feels when tuned into a movie, to be precise, an emotional scene.
When Josh Myers and his partner, Hannah Huddleston, were recently watching “The Lion King,” their adopted 4-month-old pup, named Luna, was beside them, busy playing with her toys. As the movie progresses, in the scene we all know so well, Simba’s dad, Mufasa, is thrown off a cliff to his death. Simba finds Mufasa’s inert body—we all cried.
The tragedy of the scene unfolding wasn’t lost on little Luna; she was alertly watching and listening, and was obviously feeling the same emotions we adults have at these poignant moments.
He added: “She even lays down right after Simba lays with his dad….We don’t deserve dogs. 4 months old and she’s already showing empathy.”
The video, which was posted on Feb. 19, has taken the internet by storm, garnering more than 5.8 million views, and has been shared over 100,000 times.
Social media users can’t seem to get enough of this puppy’s emotional reaction.
One user wrote, “This is the most precious thing I have ever seen in my life.”
While another one commented, “Omg this is the greatest thing.. soooo sweet and so sad! That baby!!! So smart!”
Myers jokingly wrote back on a comment: “Luna says thank you for all the love and support!! She got tons of hugs and kisses after this scene and is much more emotionally stable now hahah. But all this sudden fame has her exhausted.”
The couple had adopted Luna after seeing a post on Facebook from Blake Blamalam, who shared pictures of a rescue dog she had taken in nicknamed Melon, and the pregnant dog then gave birth to 12 puppies, one of which was their Luna.
The couple had come across Luna after a friend of theirs spread the word about Melon’s puppies.
When Blamalam saw the uploaded video of Luna getting all emotional, watching Simba cry over his dad’s body, she remarked: “Well I did say that her pups were famous her mom also responds to the tv, I swear these babies are all going to be rockstars.”
“All thanks to you!” responded Huddleston. “We wouldn’t have Luna if you decided to not bring Melon home. We weren’t actively looking for a pup, just stumbled upon a post that Liza Greever shared.”