Are COVID Jabs Causing Leukemia? A Preliminary Analysis of Adverse Event Cases

Are COVID Jabs Causing Leukemia? A Preliminary Analysis of Adverse Event Cases
(Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock)
Yuhong Dong
By Health 1+1 and Yuhong Dong, M.D., Ph.D.
On November 23, 2021, former South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan died at the age of 90. According to South Korea’s JTBC TV, a former Cheong Wa Dae (South Korean presidential palace) secretary revealed that Chun had not eaten properly for 10 consecutive days since he received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. His health deteriorated rapidly and he lost 20 pounds. And he was diagnosed with leukemia and was hospitalized for 12 days. One of his former aides suspected that his leukemia was related to the side effects of the vaccine.

Moreover, an open letter from a group of Mainland Chinese leukemia patients was circulating on Chinese social media platforms in early May 2022, but it was quickly taken down. In the letter, the patients, aged 3 to 70 years old and from more than 30 provinces and central government directly controlled municipalities across China, stated that they had developed leukemia after receiving COVID-19 vaccines and suspected that their disease was a severe vaccination adverse event. And they hoped that the government would investigate the matter.

So, is it possible that vaccination can cause leukemia? What are the possible causes of the disease, and how can we prevent it?

Principles of Pharmacovigilance

Dr. Yuhong Dong, virologist and infectious disease doctor, has also worked in pharmacovigilance department for cancer drugs at a major international pharmaceutical company.
According to the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guideline E2A (Page 4): “An adverse event (AE) is any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment.” (pdf)

In the pharmacovigilance industry, there is a generally accepted principle: “It is better to make 3,000 misjudgments rather than to miss one case.”

Regardless of the source of the adverse event report and whether the report was made by a professional or not, every piece of information regarding a potential adverse experience of a new drug or vaccine must be properly taken as an AE. And it has to be included in the vaccine adverse event report database for medical analysis. The purpose is to collect as much information as possible to find patterns in these cases and monitor any potential serious adverse events proactively.

According to international good practice principles in the pharmaceutical industry in monitoring vaccine adverse events, an adverse drug or vaccine event is considered eligible to be reported if the piece of information meets the following four conditions:
  1. There is an identifiable patient;
  2. There is an identifiable reporter;
  3. There is exposure to a drug or vaccine;
  4. There is an adverse experience (symptoms or signs or lab test, etc), regardless of whether a causality relationship with the drug or vaccine has been established or not
The key rationale is that after the new vaccine or drug is applied in a large population, the top priority would be safety rather than efficacy. There are many examples of pharmaceuticals or vaccines that have been recalled or even withdrawn from the market due to safety issues. So if there is a safety concern, it must be addressed immediately and proper actions shall be taken in order to protect humanity’s safety.

Case Study: Almost 1,000 People Suspected of Developing Leukemia after Vaccination

A veteran journalist has provided Dr. Dong with two large excel sheets of adverse leukemia events made collectively by mainland Chinese-manufactured vaccine recipients. These data sheets contain adverse events reported by nearly 1,000 patients as of June 4, 2022, at 10 p.m. EST. The adverse events are mentioned in great detail, and the reports’ contents are alarming.

Due to time constraints, we have so far conducted a preliminary analysis of 235 valid cases, accounting for approximately 20 percent of the total.

What we presented here in this paper is the preliminary data analysis, but a more complete analysis will be performed during the coming weeks.

In terms of gender, the victims in 56 percent of these 235 cases were male; 2 percent were female; and 42 percent of the cases didn’t specify gender information. There is currently a lot of missing information, and the gender ratio is predicted to be around 1:1 in the complete data, with the number of men possibly slightly larger.

Their age range was 3 to 79 years old, with an average age of 30 years old.

Vaccines are mainly from Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd, but some are produced by Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd., and several others.

Among the vaccine related adverse events concerning leukemia, the most common is acute myeloid leukemia (49 percent of the cases). It is followed by acute lymphoblastic leukemia (34 percent), aplastic anemia (9 percent), and several other hematological malignancies such as lymphoma.

In 44 percent of the cases, symptoms or diagnoses of these adverse events were reported to occur on average 84 days after the second dose.

In 16 percent of the cases, these leukemia-like events were reported to occur on average 52 days after the third dose. This is a reasonable time frame, as leukemia involves genetic mutations, and there would be a pathological process, which is a chronic adverse reaction. It does not occur in a short period of one or two weeks like the acute side effects of myocarditis or blood clots.

In 16 percent of the patients, the symptoms appeared on average 40 days after the first dose of the vaccine. During this time period, many people might have already received a second dose. So it is likely that they are still classified as having received a second dose, as the patients’ reporting habits vary.

Most of these patients are currently undergoing treatment, with some requiring organ transplantation and/or chemotherapy, and there hasn’t been any case of recovery so far.

Are the Adverse Leukemia Events Possibly Related to the Vaccines?

Dr. Dong believes that this phenomenon of suspected adverse leukemia events needs to be taken seriously for the following reasons:
  1. All the mainland Chinese cases are clearly diagnosed by hematological physicians: Leukemia requires pathological diagnosis, cytogenetic analysis, and molecular biology analysis only provided by special labs, so there needs to be clear medical evidence and this indicates a relatively high degree of credibility of these cases. Meanwhile, the majority of these cases are acute and severe, with poor clinical outcomes.
  2. A large number of people are involved: Nearly 1,000 people have reported their adverse leukemia events so far, which is probably only the tip of the iceberg. The number of similar cases in major hospitals continues to skyrocket. They can be consistently observed in different people living in different regions who were exposed to similar jabs. This indicates that there is an underlying pattern.
  3. The patients were reported to be in good health prior to vaccination, with no reported history of hereditary diseases, and they had not worked with radioactive matter, and there were no reported sources of contamination in their vicinity.
In one of the cases, a 14-year-old girl surnamed Lin was vaccinated on August 25, 2021 and received her second dose on September 15, 2021. After the second dose, she started coughing non-stop, and within two months, she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. The girl has since undergone five sessions of chemotherapy, which required bone and lumbar punctures. During chemotherapy, the girl continued to have infections and fevers for more than 20 days. Her mother thinks that the child’s illness is related to her COVID vaccination, and the family has spent all their savings on treatment for their daughter.
In another case, a man had a relapse of leukemia that had been cured more than 10 years ago, possibly as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine, and his symptoms were more severe this time.
These cases have a strong pattern, consistency, and specificity, so the causality between these leukemia cases with vaccination should be at least carefully evaluated and analyzed, or the likelihood of causality cannot not be excluded.

1st Possible Cause of Vaccine-Induced Leukemia Cases: Vaccines Affect DNA

One of the main criteria of judging causality relationship between an event with a treatment is “plausibility”, i.e. is there a reasonable association between jabs and leukemia? To understand this potential association, we need to first have some basic understanding of leukemia.
  • DNA mutations can cause leukemia
Taxonomically speaking, one type of blood cells are from the bone marrow, such as leukocytes, platelets, and red blood cells; and another type are from the lymphatic system, such as T cells and B cells.

So if a malignant proliferation of blood cells occurs, it is classified as myeloid leukemia or lymphocytic leukemia depending on the cell source. Leukemia can also be divided into acute and chronic leukemias according to the time to onset of the disease.

Under usual circumstances, DNA instructs cells to grow at a fixed rate and die at a set time. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) occurs when there is a mutation in the genetic material or DNA of the bone marrow cells.

A study published in the journal Acute Myeloid Leukemia concluded that there are five different classes of gene mutations that cause myeloid cell mutations, which can lead to leukemia. Genetic mutations are an important factor in the development of leukemia.

In patients with acute myeloid leukemia, the mutations will instruct the bone marrow cells to continue to grow and divide. As a result, production of blood cells will get out of control, and the bone marrow will keep producing immature cells. These malignant cells will crowd out the healthy ones.

If normal white blood cells are squeezed out, this can lead one to become susceptible to infection; decreased red blood cells can lead to anemia; and decreased platelets can lead to being susceptible to bleeding. All of these are the observable clinical symptoms or signs of leukemia.

So, what factors can cause mutations in the DNA of blood cells and increase the risk of leukemia?

1. Harmful electromagnetic fields and radiation from radioactive material

The use of radiation to treat diseases, such as tumors, may induce leukemia.

The chemist Marie Curie suffered from leukemia, which may have been related to her long-term exposure to radionuclide lasers. In the Japanese regions affected by atomic bombs during World War II and the former Soviet Union’s Chernobyl nuclear power station, the local populations are more likely to develop leukemia and other oncological diseases than the average population.

Prolonged exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields (e.g., areas with high-voltage electrical transmission lines nearby) is also harmful to health and is associated with the development of acute leukemia in children.

We have not heard of new disaster events happening in China before May 2022, so this factor should not be a major concern contributing to these adverse leukemia events.

2. Exposure to chemicals, carcinogens, and environmental toxins that are harmful to DNA, such as hair dyes and household insecticides.

Environmental pollution has been a long term issue in China, however, to our knowledge the background factors have not been reported to be remarkably alarming before May 2022.

All of these leukemia-like cases have taken COVID jab(s) before reporting these events. So let’s take a detailed look at what these COVID jabs can do to our blood cells.
  • Finding 1: Spike proteins affect human DNA
Both inactivated vaccines and mRNA vaccines contain spike proteins, which have been found to theoretically affect DNA.
In a study published in the journal Viruses, Swedish scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike proteins would interfere with two major self-repair mechanisms of human cellular DNA: the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR).

When both mechanisms are interfered with, the ability of the DNA to repair itself is significantly reduced, resulting in genetic mutations. As we know, the main cause of leukemia is DNA mutation in hematopoietic cells.

  • Finding 2: Leukemia can develop after COVID-19 infection
It has also been found that the probability of developing leukemia increases after COVID-19 infection.
In a case published in the journal Academic Archives of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) in 2021, a 61-year-old man was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Three weeks after his symptoms almost completely disappeared, the patient again experienced symptoms of feebleness, nausea, vomiting, and epigastric pain, but no active virus was observed. However, a significant decrease in hemoglobin and platelets was observed. This was found to be a clinical manifestation of acute myeloid leukemia after bone marrow aspiration. The article’s authors suggested that this was a worrying case.

Others started to explore the question of why leukemia develops after COVID-19 infection.

In May 2021, a study published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) showed that although SARS-CoV-2 is not a retrovirus, it is capable of altering human DNA.

After infecting human embryonic kidney cells, SARS-CoV-2’s viral RNA can be “reverse-transcribed” and become further integrated into the genome of the host cells, with 29 percent of the RNA entering the exons of the genes.

Exons are the parts of the genome that can directly cause functional and structural changes in cells, which can affect a person’s appearance, weight, immunity, and other bodily functions.

Only 1.1 percent of the normal genome is spanned by exons. In this study, 29 percent of the SARS-CoV-2 viral sequences were flanked by exons, suggesting that it might change the structure or function of the cells.

  • Finding 3: COVID-19 vaccines may affect DNA
In February 2022, a study conducted by Lund University in Sweden was published in the medical journal Current Issues in Molecular Biology. It showed that six hours after the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine enters human liver cells cultured in vitro, the vaccine’s mRNA could complete its “reverse transposition” within the cells and affect human genes.

This study is a piece of direct evidence that mRNA vaccines can affect the human genome.

If the virus in an inactivated vaccine is not completely inactivated, its mRNA will still be present and may be inserted into the human genome and thus change the genes.

The most widely known quality incident in vaccine production in history is the Cutter incident in the United States. In April 1955, more than 200,000 children in five western and mid-western states were vaccinated with the first polio vaccine, an inactivated vaccine, and cases of paralysis were reported within days.

Subsequent investigations revealed a quality incident with the vaccine produced by Cutter Laboratories, a family-owned company headquartered in California, resulted in the unsuccessful inactivation of the live virus in the vaccine. As a result, 200 children were paralyzed to varying degrees, and 10 passed away.

It was precisely the quality incidence of the Cutter vaccine that led to the establishment of a series of vaccine safety monitoring systems, including the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

If live virus residues are injected into the human body, there is a risk that the residual live virus will become integrated into the human genome, thus altering the genes of human cells and even causing mutations that can lead to leukemia.

2nd Possible Cause of Vaccine-Induced Leukemia Cases: Vaccines Altered Innate Immune Function

In addition to inactivated vaccines, other vaccines have also been documented for adverse leukemia events. As aforementioned, the former South Korean president developed leukemia after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.
In an interview with The Epoch Times in February 2022, Dr. Ryan Cole, a diagnostic pathologist and founder of Cole Diagnostics, said that he had noticed some disturbing trends in recent months: an increase in the number of childhood diseases and rare cancers. His observations were echoed by other doctors, but no rigorous studies have been conducted.

There are other possible reasons why vaccines would cause leukemia: the vaccines also impair the normal immune system’s function of removing abnormally proliferating cells, thus increasing the incidence of leukemia.

It was originally thought that vaccines only acted on acquired immunity by producing specific antibodies. However, a recent preprint study from the Netherlands made a surprising finding that mRNA vaccines can even alter the response pattern of the human innate immune system.

Blood was drawn from unvaccinated, and first-dose, and second-dose Pfizer vaccine recipients for comparison.

It was found that the amount of interferon secretion was significantly reduced after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. This decrease in the body’s ability to secrete natural interferons may block its innate immune response to viruses, leading to susceptibility to viral infections and an increased incidence of tumors.

It was also discovered that after the second vaccination dose, the amount of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) produced by the volunteers’ bodies was significantly reduced. TNF can exert an anti-tumor effect.

In addition, the injection of the Pfizer vaccine would increase the production of interleukin, a pro-inflammatory factor. This led to excessive inflammation, which is not conducive to the immune system’s anti-infection or anti-tumor effects.

These experimental data show that the vaccine promotes a chronic inflammatory state in the body, which can lead to cellular lesions.

In summary, COVID jabs could bring these two types of damage to our cells: DNA mutation and natural anti-tumor immune function suppression. Taken together, the speed of newly occurring malignant cells in the body could increase and the anti-tumor immunity of our body could decrease, and, as a whole result, the increased incidences of leukemia or other similar malignancies could be explained, as we have observed in these AE cases from China.

Can One Prevent Leukemia, Adverse Events After Vaccination?

If you have a family history of leukemia, had cancer before or have a high risk of cancer, it is strongly advisable for you to hold the jab injections.

If you have already been vaccinated, it is important to focus on boosting your body’s natural immune system.

As we mentioned in a previous article, research has found that the human thoughts and mindset can change the winding and unwinding of DNA strands. A peaceful mind and positive thinking can change the genetic expression of immune cells. People who are suffering from illnesses should not only take care of their physical bodies, but also maintain a peaceful and positive state of mind, which is more conducive to recovery.

We should also avoid harmful radiation and electromagnetic pollution. Nowadays, there is a lot of radiation in our life, not only from X-rays, but also from various electronic devices, including cameras, the Internet, cell phones, and computers. We should minimize our use of cell phones and electronic products.

We should also avoid carcinogens as much as possible. To prevent intake of contaminated vegetables and fruits, we should wash and soak them in water for a sufficient amount of time before eating them. Peelable vegetables and fruits should be peeled to minimize contamination from pesticide and chemical fertilizer residues. And we should not overuse medications.

Chemotherapies or transplantation therapies are anti-symptomatic therapies, to remove the excessive malignant blood cells from the blood. They are not able to eradicate the root cause of leukemia. They are often associated with severe side effects causing more harm to the body. More alternative and holistic methods should be applied to heal the root causes of leukemia so as to achieve real healing. We will detail such healing methods in follow up reports.

Health 1+1 is the most authoritative Chinese medical and health information platform overseas. The program covers the latest on the coronavirus, prevention, treatment, scientific research and policy, as well as cancer, chronic illness, emotional and spiritual health, immunity, health insurance, and other aspects to provide people with reliable and considerate care and help.
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