As the country takes a day to honor the sacred sacrifices of its veterans, old and young, it is important to remember the many native Americans who have served in the armed forces.
There are few native American actors as well-known to moviegoers as Wes Studi, who in 2019 became the first of such ethnicity to win an Oscar in the history of the Academy Awards for a lifetime of great performances such as roles in “Dances with Wolves” (1990) and “Last of the Mohicans” (1992).
However, making it in Hollywood came after Studi faced a difficulty that many American servicemen face upon returning home from active duty: readjusting to civilian life.

From joining 45th Infantry Division of the National Guard at age 17 to volunteering for service in Vietnam, Studi served from 1967 to 1968 around the Mekong Delta during the operations leading up to the Tet Offensive. When he returned home after his tour, Studi experienced the letdown of many returning soldiers before acting helped him find his true calling.

Born in 1947, of Cherokee descent, Studi first got into the National Guard in 1963 while he was still a high school student. He joked to Military that it appealed to him “mainly because we got to march around our school grounds and had a paycheck as well.” He needed his parents’ permission to enlist because he was so young.
Another element of his desire to serve was the high regard that soldiers were held in in his community. “Amongst themselves, Native Americans are treated with a lot more honor for having served the people,” he said. “Our culture values the fact that our young men are willing and ready and able to put their lives on the line to protect others.”
As part of his six-year commitment, Studi was activated by the Army and sent to Fort Benning, Georgia, where he met with soldiers returning from Vietnam. As he heard of the conflict, he remembers being curious.
“Reentry was the most difficult part of the whole experience of going to Vietnam,” Studi remembers, per After coming back and finishing six years with the National Guard, he was at a loss for what to do next. Thankfully, the GI Bill helped him by giving him the opportunity to try theater classes, and from there he got into movies and television.
He quickly realized that being an actor and soldier had certain points in common. “Acting is something done out at the edge of one’s courage and resolve. And that sparks the adrenaline,” he told VVA. “I found the same intensity of experience, but in a productive fashion. It helped me phase back into postwar life. And that might be true for others.”

In 2018, Studi was invited by the Oscars to present a filmed tribute of the over 90 years of Academy Award-winning films that featured actors who had been soldiers and portrayed military life.
“As a veteran, I am always appreciative when filmmakers bring to the screen stories of those who have served,” Studi said. He then delighted Native American audiences by offering a message in Tsalagi (Cherokee) language thanking those who serve and his people.
Studi continues to be active in Hollywood with several new projects for film and TV in production. But he hasn’t forgotten his roots as a Cherokee or as a soldier. Upon receiving his 2019 Oscar, Studi recalled his military days. “I’m proud to have served there for 12 months with Alpha company of the 29th Infantry,” before asking the audience, “anyone else?”