Republicans in Langlade County, Wisconsin, have passed a resolution stating that President Joe Biden was “not legitimately elected” and that “substantial” election fraud influenced the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden.
“The Republican Party of Langlade County Wisconsin formally rejects the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States,” reads the Langlade County GOP’s 2022 resolution obtained by The Epoch Times.
“We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key States in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.”
“I hope to indirectly and directly contact every Republican County party in the nation and encourage them to write a similar resolution with the specifics to their state and their county, and just keep building momentum on this for months to come,” Terry Brand, chairman of the Republican Party of Langlade County, told The Epoch Times on July 6.
“I would like to have one county drop a resolution every day, from now until Nov. 8, to continue to develop that momentum and put pressure on our elected people to do the right thing and make sure that we have election integrity down to the point where there is zero possibility of cheating—that should be our goal,” Brand said.
‘2000 Mules’
Similar to its counterparts in Texas state and Maricopa County of Arizona, the Langlade County GOP cited evidence presented by “2000 Mules,” a documentary directed by conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.“The 2000 Mules Documentary, using publicly collected evidence of geo tracking and municipal video surveillance, irrefutably proves election fraud occurred in Milwaukee County during the 2020 Election in the form of ballot trafficking through drop boxes,” the resolution stated.
The movie features the undercover investigative work of David Lara, a citizen investigator, and Arizona state Senate candidate Gary Snyder, as well as investigations conducted by election integrity organization True the Vote on an alleged coordinated ballot trafficking operation during the 2020 election.
While some states allow people to gather ballots from certain people and drop them off, the volume of ballots inserted into the boxes and the fact that the people went to multiple boxes to drop ballots off shows that what happened was illegal, filmmakers say.

Wisconsin Investigations
In its resolution, the Langlade County Republican Party cited numerous investigations conducted by Wisconsin authorities and investigators, which the party said showed “significant inconsistencies” in the 2020 election results.“The Legislative Audit Bureau report, The Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections investigation and hearings, The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) investigation and report, and Michael Gableman’s investigation and Second Interim Investigative Report, which was presented to the Assembly Committee on March 1, 2022, all found significant inconsistencies and discrepancies in the 2020 election,” the resolution reads.
According to special counsel Gableman’s report, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) violated numerous laws during the 2020 election, including by issuing directives that allegedly ordered local election officials to disregard state statutes that regulate absentee voting.
The report also alleges that the WEC violated the law by facilitating mentally incompetent nursing home residents, noncitizens, and ineligible felons to vote.
WEC administrator Meagan Wolfe said in a statement, “The integrity of the November 2020 election, and of the WEC, has been shown time, and time again, through court cases and previous investigations.”
The Langlade County Republican Party called for the dissolution of the WEC and urged the Republican-dominated Wisconsin state legislature to complete investigations of the 2020 election.
“We ask and encourage the Wisconsin State Legislature to do everything in their power to dissolve and de-fund The WEC and put the responsibility of election integrity in the hands of the elected position of Secretary of State, and that the Wisconsin Legislature also do everything in their power to complete all ongoing investigations of the 2020 election, including Michael Gableman’s investigation, to ensure no cheating happens in future elections.
“We encourage every other Republican County Party in both the State of Wisconsin and all other States that experienced voter fraud and cheating to issue a similar resolution to reject the 2020 election results,” the resolution stated.
The Epoch Times has reached out to the White House and the Wisconsin Elections Commission for comment.