Misleading label claims are everywhere.
They bombard you while walking down the grocery store aisles.
They creep up on you while scanning a slick marketer’s website.
They shock you when even your best friend recommends an industrial organic brand... “Hey, it’s a lot cheaper and they say it’s just as good!”
I admit this is the hard part because the big guys don’t want you to know! They spend tens of thousands of dollars to design the label and marketing claims to subtly deceive you without you knowing.
And they’ve done a good job... many people are fooled.
Deceptive Label Claims to Be Aware of:
1. Cage-Free, Free-Range, and even Pastured
The big guys describe their chickens flawlessly. Their websites show lovely pictures of birds walking in lush grass with sunshine streaming around them.That barn could be holding 10,000+ birds. Maybe 5% of them will venture outside during their short lives—but probably not.

Truly no comparison...
There is so much more to share and explain... I'll devote an entire email to this as soon as possible.
2. “Grass-fed,” Beef
Some “grass-fed” beef is actually fed a corn and soy based diet for the last 3-5 months of its life in a feedlot.Sure doesn’t sound like grass-fed to me!
But like so many of these label claims, they have a kernel of truth mixed in to make a very tricky logic.
Most cattle are raised on grass for the first half of their lives before being grain-finished in a CAFO feedlot. So the industrial guys say...
I’m not making this up.
This is the logic that gets cheap “grass-fed” beef into supermarkets.

3. Product of the USA Meat
Beef and Pork can be raised and slaughtered in Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, Brazil, etc...Sad, but true.
Those cattle and pigs didn’t breath a single breath of United States air to merit this status. But shoppers will never know the difference.
It is shocking that United States label regulations allow this.
4. “Fresh,” and “Never-been-frozen,” Poultry
According to the USDA, poultry can be sold as “fresh” if it has never been below 26° F.Excuse me, but isn’t 32° usually considered the freezing point?
And there’s another misleading claim. This one is especially important with turkey season here.
This. is. crazy.
But not to the industrial guys. As long as last year’s turkey didn’t go below 0° they can thaw it out and sell it to unsuspecting families as a beautiful “never-been-frozen” Thanksgiving Turkey.
Industrial Organics are not all bad. They help cut down on our nation’s chemical and antibiotic use.
The deceptive marketing claims are wrong. We need to pull back the Industrial Curtain layer by layer so everyone in this country can see what lies behind.
Please help spread the word.