Happy Dominion Day, from the river to the ends of the Earth. It’s a bit archaic. But it sure beats Canada Day, where they smash statues of Sir John A. Macdonald and lower flags to half-mast because hundreds of bodies weren’t found, but if you say so they want to put you in jail.
Not that I’m bitter. But I am bewildered at the accelerating pace with which the Canada I knew is being trashed by people who don’t even realize censorship is an old horror. And before being cancelled as a dinosaur bitter over loss of “privilege,” I emit a Mesozoic roar of protest that the things I valued about the Old Dominion made it attractive to the immigrants in whose name, to a significant degree, it is now being smashed up.
Also curiously, I don’t recall the populace ever being asked, by him, Trudeau Sr., or their professors whether we wanted our national identity abolished lest it offend the primly woke. Yet the revolution stomps on, statue by statue. Including Macdonald and Cartier sitting in Ottawa’s Macdonald-Cartier airport waiting room, one of the few things there to entertain restless children such as telling them how these visionaries put aside entrenched differences, including ethic bigotry, to build this nation. Now they’re evil, and so’s your country. Welcome to Canada. Put on a mask.
What went wrong? We were once so polite we apologized if someone stepped on our foot. We debated big issues, tackled major social problems, and searched our souls for defects. But we didn’t tweet obscenities, let men into women’s bathrooms, or routinely censor contrarian views… or mainstream ones.
There’s post-modern Canada. A fiery public victory dance on the desecrated remains of neutrality, impartiality, and transparency. No thanks.
Indeed, their outstanding virtues included far more sober views of human nature than is common among utopians, including our second-rate set. But remember: It was old boring bland Toronto-the-Good Canada that explored its failings, repented of them, and made the changes it had to and the amends it could. The new snarling, intolerant, relativist version seems only able to discover the failings of others, denounce them, and jail them.
People call it progress. But I can think of other names. Still, I said I didn’t want to be bitter. So what can we do?
Tell the truth. Not mine or yours. The one and only. Frankly, fearlessly and with a smile. It’s the Canadian way.
One more thing. I hope most of us, emphatically including newcomers who, contrary to official anti-Canadian propaganda, find it a land of opportunity where sectarian and racial hate is mercifully rare, will celebrate Dominion Day the old way. With gratitude.