New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin will be on the cover of Sports Illustrated for the second straight week, according to a report on
The feat has never been done by a New York-based team-athlete since Sports Illustrated started in 1954. Lin’s sudden emergence from virtual unknown to global star in a matter of weeks is nearly as unprecedented as his back-to-back SI cover honors for a New York athlete.
Lin becomes the 12th athlete since 1990 to star on the cover two straight weeks. The last time an NBA player made consecutive cover appearances was Dallas forward Dirk Nowitzki during last summer’s NBA Finals. And only Michael Jordan has made back-to-back-to-back appearances on the cover.
Jeremy Lin on SI Cover Again
New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin will be on the cover of Sports Illustrated for the second straight week, according to a report on

Jeremy Lin's sudden popularity is almost unprecedented. Chris Trotman/Getty Images

By Dave Martin