It’s the Best We as a Human Being Can Achieve: Shen Yun Audience Member

It’s the Best We as a Human Being Can Achieve: Shen Yun Audience Member
Chris Douthitt at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Duke Energy Center for the Arts—Mahaffey Theater on March 8, 2023. Nancy Ma/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.—While striving to stand out, it is easy to forget that everyone has more in common than we think. Shen Yun Performing Arts is showing us that humanity can be beautiful when we try to be our best.
Chris Douthitt, a contractor and business owner, wanted to pass on a message to Shen Yun’s artistic director after he watched the performance at the Mahaffey Theater in the Duke Energy Center for the Arts on March 8.

“I would like to thank him for sharing with me a sense that we are much more the same than unalike. That’s what I most felt tonight,” Mr. Douthitt said.

Although China and the United States are on opposite sides of the earth, the people of both nations both aspire to a good life and happiness.

“A commonness that I didn’t sense before. I think being raised here in America, we had always been exposed to, or through the press, more of the competition of Chinese culture or the combative side of Chinese culture. Never really the commonness. Until tonight,” Mr. Douthitt said.
Mr. Douthitt said Shen Yun helped him understand that people, no matter their background, all have common aspirations and common fears.

“They’re doing a tremendous job,” he said of the Shen Yun performers. “It’s a tremendous help for our understanding and our growth ... Much more common than I expected or had ever experienced before,” he said.

Shen Yun is based in New York, and through classical Chinese dance, it is sharing the beauty of China’s 5,000 years of civilization with the world.
It's the best, as a human being, when we can move someone through our work.
Chris Douthitt

“I know what hard work is. And I saw it tonight. It’s the best, as a human being, when we can move someone through our work,” Mr. Douthitt said.

“And I am very appreciative,” he said.

Mr. Douthitt added that Shen Yun allows audiences to understand that by being good, life can end with one returning to heaven, something he said he focused on throughout the performance.

“And common life doesn’t drive you there. It takes you in the opposite direction,” Mr. Douthitt said.  
China had been a place fused with spirituality prior to communism taking over. There were temples and monasteries, big and small, in every town until most were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution that began in 1966.

“There are too many things unexplained by science. They can only be explained with your conscience. I’ve always felt that,” said Mr. Douthitt.

The world has also become driven by profit, people are disconnected from each other, and sometimes, we hurt others to benefit ourselves.

“I would like to see us all go back to a bit of calmness that comes from that peace where we’re not so driven. I’m a victim of it. Started with nothing and drove a business forward. But it comes at a price,” he said.

“This was very nice,” Mr. Douthitt said of Shen Yun.

He said he appreciated the gracefulness of the performance.

“We are so fast and so aggressive and so graphic now, and that ease, that gentleness was nice,” he added.

Reporting by Nancy Ma and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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