‘It leaves you with a good feeling inside,’ Virginia State Senator Says

‘It leaves you with a good feeling inside,’ Virginia State Senator Says
Dick Black and his wife, Barbara, enjoyed a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the George Mason University Center for the Arts Concert Hall in Fairfax, Va., on March 13, 2018. NTD Television
Epoch Times Staff

“It’s delightful! It’s very beautiful! ... It is a wonderful presentation.”

“It also has a message, a very important message, about some of the challenges in China: the lack of freedom, and something that has been a big problem for a long time.”

“[Shen Yun] reminds people of the traditional beauty of China—the art, the wonderful things, there are things of the spirit.”

“It shows a very beautiful aspect of China and the Chinese people. And it is a shame that the Chinese people can’t see it! And we get to see it here! And they see it all around the world!”

“If you can ever see Shen Yun, then go and see it, because it’s very, very beautiful! It leaves you with a good feeling inside. And it teaches you that there is the ancient beauty of China that existed long before we existed.”


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