‘It hits you quite hard ... you feel it,’ Says Master of Fox Hounds

‘It hits you quite hard ... you feel it,’ Says Master of Fox Hounds
Timothy Coulson enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on May 21, 2018. NTD Television

“Incredible, absolutely incredible. Really enjoyed it, the whole visual effect, the dancing … quite incredible.”

“I enjoyed the opening scene  ... real sort of eye-opener to begin with. It really hits you hard and just, wow!”

“I particularly enjoyed the scene where they’re meditating and they’re taken away and the story there with contrast to modern China and the fact that they’re still under persecution for their beliefs. It hits you quite hard, so you go from the ancient right through to the modern, and that story makes a difference. You feel it.”

“It makes me feel quite privileged to live in the country I live in and appreciate the values that I have. I’ve never been put in that position before to make me think about that, but it’s quite incredible to think that still happens.”

“I would feel very helpless. I would want to do everything I could do, but I wouldn’t know where to start. So I think if there is some way of getting people to help in whatever form ... I would sign up to that.”


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