It is not the first time that the former prime minister has waded into this nightmarish scenario by excoriating Australian and American policy critical of Beijing, arguing that the issue of Taiwan is merely an internal matter for China, and not a “vital Australian interest.”
Keating’s understanding of the Australia-China relationship may well have been developed with Australia’s national interest in mind. However, raising the spectre of a military conflict is an example of scaremongering politics which, itself, may fan the embers of an armed confrontation between Australia and China.
Admittedly, Beijing’s response to the proposed visit is predictably unpredictable. However, while the precise nature of the retaliation, if indeed it were to eventuate, is unknown, one thing is certain: if Pelosi’s visit were delayed, or even cancelled, it will be interpreted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a major victory because, using the language of Rogin, “Beijing could conclude that its strong-arm tactics have worked.”
He argues that Beijing “can’t be allowed to think it has a veto every time a congressional delegation wants to visit Taiwan.”
China and Taiwan
Keating’s views are overshadowed by the tangible tension between two polarising political concepts: democracy and authoritarianism. Beijing’s authoritarian Communist regime obstinately argues that Taiwan is merely a renegade province of China.
However, such an argument is difficult to maintain in view of the fact that Taiwan has never been ruled by Communist China. Indeed, on April 17, 1895, the Qing Empire ceded Taiwan to Japan where it effectively became a Japanese colony until 1945. When the Communist party forces victoriously proclaimed the People’s Republic of China in October 1949, the beaten Kuomintang forces fled to Taiwan and ruled the island until the country was transformed into a democracy in the 1980s.
So, Taiwan has not been ruled by China for the last 127 years. Hence, Beijing’s aggressive stance towards Taiwan and its intimidatory incursions into Taiwanese airspace constitute egregious examples of naked aggression and misplaced ambition. But the Chinese leader Xi Jinping, has vowed to conquer Taiwan by 2049, marking a century of China under communist control.
Protect Domestic Interests Without Giving Up Principles
Keating’s contribution to this debate ignores the rights of Pelosi and her congressional colleagues to visit a democratic country. The politics of placatory accommodation, so keenly promoted by Keating as a viable strategy, clashes with the democratic rights of people.Why should such a strategy trump the legitimate desire of politicians to visit a shining example of democracy in action? Indeed, Keating’s strategy involves the sacrifice of principle at the altar of unprincipled political convenience. In the end, such a strategy merely prolongs the reality of intimidation, so effectively practised by Beijing.
In addition, the argument that the CCP’s intentions regarding Taiwan do not affect the vital interests of Australia is wrong-headed. The recent conclusion of a treaty between the Solomon Islands and China is evidence of Beijing’s intention to pursue an expansionist policy which, at least potentially, affects the strategic interests of Australia.

Cost of Communism
Nevertheless, apologists of China in the West have argued that it’s economic and political system—“capitalism with Chinese characteristics”—has achieved wondrous miracles by alleviating poverty.For example, Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) has consistently praised China and its leaders, saying that “China has kept sustained high-speed economic growth for the past 30 years and has become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world” and that China is building “an innovative open, fair and inclusive society.”
But such a view fails to consider the abominable cost paid by millions of people to bring about this transformation. And while it is easy to give credit to China for its supposed economic miracle, it is impossible to know what could have been achieved if the country had been a functioning democracy.
The possibility, or even likelihood, that so much more could have been accomplished under a democratic system of government, may well explain why China is so keen on subduing Taiwan.
Taiwan is an excellent example of what could be achieved, under democratic conditions, to secure both economic prosperity and personal freedom. It is this comparison between a communist behemoth and a small democratic island that the CCP does not want to make.
Pelosi’s proposed congressional visit to Taiwan may thus well serve the vital interests of the United States and of Australia.