Is the ‘Great Reset’ for America Already Here?

Is the ‘Great Reset’ for America Already Here?
U.S. dollar banknotes in front of displayed stock graph. Dado Ruvic/Reuters
James Gorrie

I’ve never been comfortable hearing others talk about the unseen, unknowable “they,” as if “they” were a cluster of faceless, soulless puppeteers directing our fates, against which we are powerless.

The whole idea always had a disturbing and distasteful tinge of paranoia about it to me.

But one must be clear-eyed about events and policies going on in the world, and in this case, in the United States, and about who’s making the decisions.

In this instance, the “they” are our own leaders. We know their names.

Is the Great Reset Real—or Conspiracy?

Recall that the so-called Great Reset coming from the World Economic Forum (WEF) gang is supposed to be a global event or process, which it may well be. It also seems as if it’s well underway, especially in the United States.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory, doesn’t it?

According to, an AI-driven Threat Intelligence platform, “While the World Economic Forum has been criticized by many on legitimate grounds, allegations that it is covertly orchestrating or facilitating societal upheaval are unfounded.”

But that denial simply isn’t plausible.

After all, resetting the global society is exactly what a Great Reset is all about. That sounds like upheaval on a global scale to me.

The question is, “What does a Great Reset mean for the United States and the American people?”

US Financial Fragility

As the term implies, the current world order, which has been based on U.S. economic, diplomatic, and military leadership, is to be reset.

One could argue that it’s already in process.

For example, the petrodollar era is over. OPEC has stated that it will accept a variety of currencies for its oil, in particular, the yuan, ending the dollar-only policy it put in place in 1973. As a result, dollar demand in the world is falling and will continue to do so, because nations don’t have to buy oil in dollars anymore. That has huge implications for the U.S. Treasury bond market, the strength of the dollar, our ability to fund our government, and interest rates.

Dollar Decline Well Underway

Furthermore, the dollar is undermined by trillions in debt. The United States created more dollars in the past three years than it did in all of its history as a nation. This makes U.S. bonds and the dollar undesirable, especially compared with the growing power and attraction of the gold-backed digital yuan.
As a result, many of the world’s nations are signing on to new currency arrangements with the Chinese yuan and a new BRICS currency. The “petroyuan” replacing the petrodollar is a real possibility.
Also driving de-dollarization abroad are the punitive sanctions that the United States imposes on nations that don’t agree with U.S. geopolitical or economic policies and the exported inflation caused by excessive U.S. debt. In short, the dollar’s dominance over trade and global finance is diminishing and could suddenly go away altogether.
As the world moves away from the dollar, the U.S. economy will suffer greatly, as will the American people, from possible hyperinflation, layoffs, and shortages.

US Military Readiness at Risk

In other words, the financial stability of the United States is under threat in ways it hasn’t been since the Great Depression.
Directly related to the threats to U.S. financial stability is its military capabilities. As U.S. financial health declines, so too does its ability to fund the armed forces. That means a decline in our ability to pay for advanced defensive innovations, upgrades, replacements, deployments, and other critical functions.
As our financial health and military readiness continue to degrade, our ability to project diplomatic power around the world declines as well. The correlation is undeniable, and the world sees it.

What’s important to understand, however, is that this decline isn’t inevitable, nor is it irreversible. It’s a choice that our leaders continue to make.

Reducing deficit spending isn’t rocket science. Neither is promoting innovation and economic activity with lower taxes. They’re simply economic decisions that are made for political expedience. Diminishing the size and budget of the federal government is economically doable, but our leaders lack the political will or desire to do so.

Reducing NATO’s membership in Eastern Europe isn’t difficult, either. Nor is it in our strategic interest to drain our military stockpiles and deplete our political influence in Ukraine. Cutting our naval forces has also been a choice, as was leaving billions of dollars in military hardware—and our global reputation—in Afghanistan.

China Replacing the US?

On the flip side, China is now driving development throughout much of the world—affecting most of the world’s population—through its Belt and Road initiative. It’s the largest development project in history, and the United States isn’t a part of it at all.

These events and policies are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what could accurately be called the “Great American Reset” that’s been unfolding before our eyes in the past three years. The speed of our decline has been stunning, and it appears to be accelerating.

Perhaps the worst part of it is knowing that it’s being done deliberately by our “leaders.” Choices are being made that will affect all Americans in a variety of negative ways.

It sure seems like a Great Reset for America is underway as we speak.

How’s that for a conspiracy theory?

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James Gorrie
James Gorrie
James R. Gorrie is the author of “The China Crisis” (Wiley, 2013) and writes on his blog, He is based in Southern California.
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