The Epoch Times’ “Crossroads” channel recently spoke to a pro-life activist whose mother was visited by two FBI agents.
Pro-Life Activism
Ketch is a member of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), a left-leaning pro-life activist group. She officially joined PAAU in December 2022 after a few months of volunteering with the group.“While the visit did make me concerned for the safety of my family, I refuse to back down.”
Ketch told Crossroads she suspects the FBI also wanted to intimidate her “because I associate with people like Lauren Handy, who are trying to bring back the rescue movement in the pro-life movement.”
“[The FBI agents] said that they were there just there to speak with me about some information they had received. And right now, my colleague Lauren Handy is being prosecuted in federal court for breaking the FACE Act,” Ketch added.

Surgi-Clinic Protest
Handy and eight others from the group are currently facing charges from the Biden administration’s Department of Justice for allegedly violating the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act in relation to an incident that the activists call a “direct action rescue” at the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion center on Oct. 22, 2020.PAAU carries out rescue initiatives where its activists enter an abortion clinic and persuade women to not follow through with their planned abortions.
The FACE Act makes it a crime to use or attempt the use of force, physical obstruction, or intimidation to block access to “reproductive health care services.”
“My immediate thought was, oh, they found something on [Lauren],” Ketch said of the FBI agents who visited her mom. “And now they’re trying to verify it through me.”
‘Long History’ of Being Targeted
Ketch said there has been a “long history” of federal agents “going after pro-life activists.”“We’ve got one guy in jail for years now—not in prison, per se. But he got put in for having bipolar disorder and for refusing to tell people that abortion isn’t murder,” Ketch shared. “And every time that he gets reevaluated to get out of the psych ward, and he says ‘abortion is murder,’ they keep him [back] in. It’s crazy. It’s crazy what they can do to you.”
Ketch said the unnamed man “used to participate in rescues like my colleague allegedly does.”
‘The Five’
Recalling the discovery last year at the Washington clinic owned by Santangelo, Ketch told “Crossroads” that PAAU had obtained the remains of 115 aborted babies, five of whom were nearly full term—dubbed “The Five.”“It looks like three of them may have been aborted through illegal means, so we’ve got [allegedly] partial-birth abortion,” Ketch said.
The remains of a child they found, whom they named Harriet, was suspected of having had this kind of abortion “because the back of her skull was collapsed, like, her body had been pulled out [of the mother], and then they shoved a vacuum into her brain and killed her,” Ketch said.
Another child, who was named “Christopher X,” had no wounds, but Ketch says the PAAU activists believe he “probably was born alive and then left to die.”
Meanwhile, Phoenix was born and left in the amniotic sac. “And it’s not pierced,” said Ketch. “So again, it seems like [the baby] was born alive and then left to drown in his only amniotic fluid. It’s evil ... It’s just infanticide at this point.”
Ketch accused federal agents of having “tried to cover up the entire scenario by arresting Lauren Handy the same day that she reported to the police that she had these bodies that she recovered them.”
Handy and seven others were arrested on the same day the 115 babies’ remains were retrieved—March 30, 2022, in relation to the October 2020 incident at the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion center.
A day following Handy’s arrest, on March 31, 2020, the Metropolitan Police Department came to her home to collect the five babies’ remains.