The push for gender-affirming care taking place in recent years not only creates a market for the technological reproduction industry but also is a “ramp to transhumanism,” an investigative journalist said.
Gender-affirming care for individuals who believe that their gender identity conflicts with their gender at birth creates a very profitable market for the technological reproduction industry, which includes egg freezing, surrogacy, genetic manipulation, and other technologies, especially for big pharma and big tech, said Jennifer Bilek, an investigative journalist.

“It’s not really what people think it is,” Bilek claimed. “It’s not [about] human rights for the marginalized at all. It’s sitting under the LGB civil rights movement banner because lesbian and gay people will also need assisted reproduction technology as they create families of their own.”
Dissolution of Sexual Dimorphism

This is being taught all over America in schools, shown in Hollywood movies, and is present in the media, libraries, and books, Bilek said. Even forms that ask people to fill out their gender provide an option called “X” in addition to “male” and “female,” she added.
“What they’re doing is deconstructing sex systematically within the culture,” Bilek asserted. calling it “a dissolution of sexual dimorphism.”
“All this sexualizing of children that’s going on around LGBT is part of this.”
The journalist noticed that the gender ideology is not pushed on older people; it targets the youth, the next generation, Bilek said.
“Because you’re grooming, a lot of people think this is about pedophilia. That’s probably right on some level. I am believing that this is more about grooming them for further intrusions into their biology.”
Children are being told that, with the help of medical technology, boys can become girls and girls can become boys, if they choose so, Bilek said.
“All the advancements that are being made in biotechnology are about genetic engineering and intruding into the human body.”
Bilek is concerned about the recent approval of Elon Musk’s new neurotechnology calling it “chipping humans.”
“This is a vast intrusion into our psychology [and] into our bodies,” she said. “And there’s gonna be more and more of this.”
Musk previously indicated he hoped the company would one day help people with debilitating conditions, such as severe spinal cord injuries, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and other conditions, including obesity, autism, depression, and schizophrenia.
Gender Dysphoria

Bilek said that, in her view, if the goal of gender transition had been to help people experiencing gender dysphoria, it would not have been marketed as “a positive lifestyle.”
“It doesn’t make any sense, other than the context [of] a dissolution of sexual dimorphism. That’s what’s going on here.”
“People have all sorts of body dysphoria today because we live in a very dissociated environment,” Bilek said. People are dissociated from the land, from the food and its sources, and from each other by technology, by living very far away from each other, and by communicating via machines, she explained. “This is all been exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic, but we don’t celebrate other identities around dysphoria … like anorexia or body integrity identity disorder.”
Transgenderism is not “anything scientific or real,” Bilek said. “It’s a belief system to get people on board with assimilating males and females because they’re going to be moving reproduction to the technology sector.”
“In that case, males and females are irrelevant ... male and female reproductive systems will be created by technology.”
‘From Transgender to Transhuman’

One of the key personalities in the development of transgenderism is Dr. Martine Rothblatt, an American entrepreneur, Bilek said. Rothblatt “has written about transgenderism being on a ramp to transhumanism.”
Rothblatt, a biological male who identifies as a woman, said on TED Talks that his decision to transition was made in consultation with his wife and four children. “I discussed with each of them that I felt my soul was always female,” Rothblatt said on TED in 2015.
Rothblatt said at a transgender conference held by the University of Victoria in Canada in 2016 that many people opt out completely of being either male or female and express themselves along a gender spectrum.
Transgender technology is very similar to transhuman technology, with the difference being that becoming transgender changes only the sexual characteristic of an individual while transhuman technology changes the genetic characteristic of a person, Rothblatt said in his keynote speech at the conference.
The ultimate stage of technological transhumanism would be downloading a person’s mind to be able to replicate one’s personality and recollections of choices in social media, said Rothblatt, author of the book “From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form.”
Rothblatt told TED that people could create a “mind file,” which is “the collection of their mannerisms, personality, recollections, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and values” that they have poured on social media.
“Whether you realize you’re downloading your mind or not, for the first time in history, large portions of what’s in our mind is actually stored outside of our mind in servers,” Rothblatt said at the University of Victoria.
The technology to reconstruct that downloaded mind does not exist today, Rothblatt said, but all the trends indicate “that it will be in existence before the middle of this century.”
Rothblatt envisioned that after the person’s body is “dispensed,” the downloaded mind can assume a physical characteristic of a living entity using microscopic drones, called “nanobots,” that will be created with the advancement of drone technology. Thousands of these nanobots, like a swarm, “flying in coordination through a wireless network that connected them all ... would be able to assume different shapes and forms,” Rothblatt said at the conference.
Pritzker, who was born a male and is a father of three children, announced in 2013 a gender transition to a woman.