“I [had thought] that this is communist, this is China. But then after reviewing and seeing what the show is about [I] changed my mind because they’re about peace and love and kindness,” Mr. Schuchert said.
“The Chinese before the CCP are beautiful, beautiful people,” added Mrs. Schuchert.
After the performance, they expressed how much they enjoyed it.
“I love it because I feel the optimism ... I felt like we can hope, like we can do this,” Mrs. Schuchert said.
“Spirituality is of God. Spirituality is of who created you and I, and the entire world entire heavens, and all that. Evil is [to] take over the world in order to dominate it,” Mr. Schuchert said.

“I really expected it to be good—there’s no way I could expect it to be as good as it was! When they opened the first curtain, and everybody was on a cloud and it was just vivid and beyond anything I could have expected,” Mr. Hendrix said.
“The backdrop where they would go in and off was looking like they were going into the sky or back in and they would just do it seamlessly,” Ms. Hendrix said.
“It’s like they’re on the stage and now they’re on the screen and then they’re on the stage and you see how they do it but at the same time you don’t see how they do it—because it is seamless!”