The natural home of the Tasmanian devil, the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world, is also home to some pretty massive, meat-eating spiders. Tasmania’s own Justine Latton has the pictures to prove it.
Latton and her husband, Adam, were on a road trip to the Mt. Field National Park last weekend when they spotted the giant huntsman spider dangling from a fixture on the wall. More impressive was that the huntsman was feeding on a pygmy possum dangling from its mouth. That’s when she snapped these photos.
Now it’s granted that pygmy possums are tiny, tree-dwelling marsupials and by no means a comparison with Tasmanian devils, kangaroos, or koalas.
That’s pretty ridiculous, but hey, that’s Australia.
“Pygmy possums are quite common up there,” Latton told Epoch Times. “We reckon the spider probably just saw an opportunity and went for it! It was one of the biggest huntsman spiders he'd ever seen.”
Clearly impressed by the huntsman’s huge undertaking, some of the people on social media shared comments of admiration:
“Whoa that’s one strong spidey!” wrote Fiona.
“That’s the biggest Huntsman spider I have ever seen,” commented Jill.
“Welcome to Australia haha,” joked Shanelle.
Things are a little different down under, though, where wildlife has a reputation for being over the top in size and appetite.
The photo soon became news in mainstream media worldwide, and viewers ate it up.
“OMG what a once in a life time photo opportunity ... I would be so freaking excited if I were lucky enough to witness this ... not scary at all just interesting … Thanks for the share of such an epic photo!!” Emma commented on the Facebook post.
And this is hardly the first time giant huntsman spiders from Australia have gone viral—far from it. In 2018, a huntsman was witnessed on the outside of someone’s glass doors while chowing down on a gecko in Queensland.