Hudson Square Rezoning: Land Use Committee Approves Plan

A City Council committee voted today to approve a plan to rezone Hudson Square, a sleepy neighborhood nearby the Holland Tunnel.
Hudson Square Rezoning: Land Use Committee Approves Plan
Residents fear development pressure would rise if Hudson Square rezoning (highlighted in blue) is approved.
Ivan Pentchoukov

A City Council committee voted today to approve a plan to rezone Hudson Square, a sleepy neighborhood nearby the Holland Tunnel. The plan is expected to pass the full city council next month.

<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-362319" title="Proposed Hudson Square rezoning area" src="" alt="" width="750" height="500"/></a>

<a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-362338" title="Hudson Square rezoning vision - Before and After" src="" alt="" width="350" height="210"/></a>

Before the 8-0 vote, the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises included an amendment which would have the city “study and consider” a landmark status for the area. Shortly after, the Committee on Land Use voted 13–1 to approve the amended rezoning plan. 

“I’m disappointed in the vote that has the speaker saying that they will consider an historic district landmark status for the South Village and the Hudson Square area rather than just including that as part of the rezoning,” said Micki McGee, a resident of the part of South Village that has not yet been landmarked.

“The development pressures on this small, quaint neighborhood of five-to-six-story buildings would be enormous now that the Hudson Square rezoning has been approved and I really fear for the quality of life of those who have lived in the neighborhood for decades as I have,” she added.

<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-362344" title="Hudson Square Rezoning - development pressure" src="" alt="" width="297" height="350"/></a>

Trinity’s plan, was also amended to include additional affordable housing and recreational space measures. The overall rezoning would:

- Raise the residential density limit in the neighborhood from 4 to 25 percent, similar to that of the Flatiron District
- Limit the height and bulk of the buildings in the neighborhood
- Create a school and allow for cultural institutions to enter the area
- Allow for a landmark building in Duarte Square, which would surpass the current height limit of 430 feet
- Promote local retail and prohibit big-box stores, as well as nightclubs
- Prohibit hotels with over 100 rooms, unless a special permit is granted.

Council Member Charles Barron cast the lone dissenting vote. 

“I voted no because it lacks any formula for real affordable housing,” Barron said. “I don’t support the 80–20 affordability plan that this plan has: 80 percent market luxury, 20 percent affordable.”

Ivan Pentchoukov
Ivan Pentchoukov
Ivan is the national editor of The Epoch Times. He has reported for The Epoch Times on a variety of topics since 2011.