My Vitamin C Story
A relative sent the Linus Pauling book on Vitamin C to me in the early stages of my healing from Stage IV Melanoma cancer. I was searching for something to add to my healing regimen and this book came in perfect timing. It talked about how people with terminal cancer would take up to 10,000 mg of Vitamin C and have a miraculous turnaround.
As soon as I was out of the hospital, I went out and got it, because I figured if Vitamin C worked for those terminal cancer patients, it would help me, too. I didn’t really know what I was doing, so I bought a variety of types and took up to 20,000 mg a day. I was just getting a good start on the macrobiotic diet, which was the cornerstone of my cancer healing, but adding Vitamin C gave me a lot more energy and for the first time in many years I didn’t get sick with colds or flus. Even my seasonal allergies went away. I knew there was something to it, so I stuck with it.
How Vitamin C Stops Cancer In Its Tracks
Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath, MD did a landmark 15-year study on a number of different types of cancer and Vitamin C. They gave people a mix of Vitamin C, l-lysine, l-proline, and EGCG (green tea extract), and they put a certain amount of people on placebo. After 15 years, they discovered that cancer was a collagen disease, it kills people because it spreads to the different tissues through the collagen.There’s an enzyme in cancer cells that can eat through your body’s collagen. L-Lysine destroys the collagen-eating enzymes contained in cancer cells, according to Dr. Rath’s research. Vitamin C strengthens the collagen so the cancer can’t penetrate and spread. When the cancer can’t spread, it can’t survive.
Their conclusion was that the Vitamin C stopped 100% of the cancers from spreading. The most powerful nutrient combination was the one listed above. Metastasis causes 90% of cancer deaths and this micronutrient combination prevented metastasis.
I wondered why the Vitamin C helped me, then the study came out and I knew what it had done for me. The melanoma has never come back. I’m convinced Vitamin C and macrobiotics saved my life.
We All Need Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known to help with immunity, chelate heavy metals, assist in detoxification, clean and repair arteries, and so much more. It even helps fight the common cold.Many years ago I had a severe mold exposure where I became out of breath, lost my exercise tolerance, and felt fatigued. I suspected my heart was the problem. I went to a well-known Cardiologist in New York and had a calcium score test done. He said my arteries were as clear as a baby’s, and I was 52 years old. With a family history of sudden cardiac death at a young age, I was relieved.