‘How Humankind Came To Be’ Offers a Solution in a Chaotic World: Newspaper CEO

‘How Humankind Came To Be’ Offers a Solution in a Chaotic World: Newspaper CEO
Cho Chung-yeol, CEO and Publisher of Andong Daily (Lee Yun-Jeong /The Epoch Times)
Lee Yun-Jeong

After reading Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi’s “How Humankind Came To Be,” Cho Chung-yeol, CEO and publisher of Andong Daily, a local newspaper in South Korea, said: “The reason morality has broken down in modern society is that we have forgotten the existence of God. We need religion or mind-body cultivation to strengthen the good within us, where good and evil coexist.”

The Epoch Times met with Mr. Cho on the morning of March 25 at a cafe near Deoksugung Palace, which means “Palace of Virtue and Longevity,” a royal palace located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

“I found something that people are missing in today’s world, ” Mr. Cho said of his overall impression of reading Mr. Li’s article. “It was a good opportunity to think more deeply about who I am, why I live, and how I should live, ” he said.

‘Be Wise and Understanding Even in the Face of Difficulties’

“Acknowledging the Creator is similar to Christianity,” said Mr. Cho, who is a devout Christian. “There are many people who deny creationism, but I was surprised by the breadth of Mr. Li’s thinking. ”

“I agree with Mr. Li, who said that the universe goes through formation, stasis, degeneration, and destruction, and human beings go through birth, aging, illness, and death,” Mr. Cho said. “These are universal processes, and people cannot deny them.”

Mr. Cho said: “It’s similar to Buddhism, which says that if you do good deeds and remain kind, you will accumulate virtue and reap the rewards in the next life … It is difficult, but you should try to understand others and live a good life.”

“There are many people who are obsessed with materialism and pursuing money, and the world is very chaotic,” Mr. Cho said, “and Mr. Li offers a solution. ”

“In my life, I’ve realized that life is not easy, and things don’t go the way I want them to,” he said. “Whether you’re the president of the country or an old lady collecting waste paper, the pain of life is probably similar for everyone.

“After reading Mr. Li’s article, I am more convinced that it is important to be wise and understanding even in the face of difficulties, and that I should live that way,” said Mr. Cho. “This world cannot be lived alone, so we should not put forward our own arguments even if we suffer some losses. We must consider others and live together.”

‘Morals and Values That People Should Protect Have Collapsed’

Mr. Cho said that reading Mr. Li’s article made him think about the importance of discernment.

“In today’s society, many things such as morals and values that people should protect have collapsed,“ he said, adding that he is concerned that ”because we are indiscriminate about what is right and wrong, we are forgetting what kind of situation South Korea is in and how we should live. ”

“There must be principles to distinguish right from wrong, and their standards are based on the morals and values that people should uphold,” he said. “When morality breaks down, we become like animals. We should consider others rather than trying to do well for ourselves, and good traditional values should be restored for the development of society and the country.”

Quoting the Bible, Mr. Cho said: “The devils are constantly working to break the connection between God and human beings.”

In order to maintain a relationship with God without falling into their hands, people must become holy, he said.

“To do this, we must think about how to live the right life and regain peace and freedom through mind and body cultivation. For example, practicing spirituality or attending a Christian service,” he suggested.

“Religion is not the same as it used to be, and it has lost its original purpose,” he said, urging people to return to the original purpose of religion and find the connection between God and humankind.

‘A Good Opportunity for the Morals of Humanity to Be Strengthened Once Again’

“Only God can answer the question of how humankind came to be,” Mr. Cho said, “but it is a question that all people should share and think about.

“Since I was born, I have received a lot of protection and benefits from my parents, community, and country, so I thought I should do something good from now on,” he said of the article’s impact on his life. “Especially as a journalist, I decided that I should play a role in helping others make good judgments through articles and books. ”

As a Christian, Mr. Li’s writing has strengthened his faith, he said, “I will read the Bible more deeply and try to memorize it. I also want to explore other religions. ”

“I think it will have a positive influence if this article is widely known to the public,” said Mr. Cho, “and I think it will be a good opportunity for the universal values and morals of humanity to be strengthened once again.”

“This article should be read by opinion leaders in our society, especially lawmakers, judges, and journalists,” he said.