The significance of the final outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election cannot be overstated, U.S.-based Chinese historian Xin Haonian said.
He likened today’s America to China in 1949; adding, if Americans don’t want their country to follow China’s tragic fate, then they must choose a leader who is opposed to communism.
Xin is the author of “One Country Two Systems and the Civil War of America” and “Which is the New China—Distinguishing Between Right and Wrong in Modern Chinese History.” He is also a popular speaker among Chinese expats in the West.
In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times on Nov. 29, Xin recalled that before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power in 1949 in mainland China, it took advantage of media freedom to manipulate public opinion. The Nationalist Party (or Kuomintang–KMT) first established a republic. But as the CCP spread communism among naive youths and incited protests, the Republic of China lost its grassroots support. When the KMT lost the civil war and the CCP declared victory in 1949, the former fled to Taiwan.
The historian noted that these days, the CCP is deceiving and poisoning the minds of young students on U.S. campuses with its socialist and communist ideas, and luring them to resort to any means to subvert the current American government.
US Media Outlets Control Opinion and Distort the Truth
Lin Wood is one of the lawyers leading a legal battle over questionable election results in several states. Xin told the Epoch Times that he fully agreed with attorney Wood’s opinion that American media outlets have stepped up content censorship to keep people from the truth; and people are experiencing communist brainwashing.The historian said: “Media self-censorship might have been involuntary at the outset, but is now voluntary. Those media even willingly serve up fake news, serve the CCP and the U.S. Democratic Party, and push America further into ruin.”

“They (media) change everything, including the theme of a whole conference, major participants, and even the presenters. What I mention is not rare. Instead, they dare to neutralize anyone they don’t like,” Xin explained.
CCP: Largest Global Criminal Gang and ‘Contemporary Specter’
Xin singled “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” published by The Epoch Times as a book and an editorial series in the newspaper. He believes the book aptly describes how socialism is taking hold as an attractive idea among U.S. intellectuals.He quoted from the book, “Literature, history, philosophy, social science, anthropology, the study of law, media, and other concentrations have become inundated with various derivatives of Marxist theory.”
Xin said, “Right now, the same specter is preparing to rule the United States … the actions of some American politicians and mainstream elites are contrary to the aspirations of the United States and the American people.
Xin deems the CCP to be the largest criminal organization in the world. In his opinion, the world cannot advance healthily unless people recognize the malign influence of the CCP and actively work to counter them.