COVID-19 hospitalizations in the United States spiked during this summer, compared to the previous months.
The latest figures follow months of largely declining trends in COVID-19 numbers across the United States after a wave of infections in winter.
Some experts suggest that the ongoing heat waves may be a reason behind the recent jump in COVID numbers. The temperature could be forcing people to stay indoors in air-conditioned spaces, an environment where the virus is known to more easily transmit.
Meanwhile, CDC spokesperson Kathleen Conley has dismissed the need for any alarm over the recent surge.
“The U.S. has experienced increases in COVID-19 during the past three summers, so it’s not surprising to see an uptick … U.S. COVID-19 rates are still near historic lows after seven months of steady declines,” she said in a statement.
COVID-19 hospital admission levels are “low” at virtually all counties, below the threshold where CDC recommends steps to curb the virus, the spokesperson added.
Vaccine Recommendation Persists
Despite increasing evidence on the harms of COVID vaccination, the CDC continues to recommend them for every citizen aged 6 months or older.Children aged 6 months to 4 years are being recommended to receive two or three doses of mRNA vaccines, with children aged five years recommended one or two doses. Individuals aged six and older are recommended one dose.
“There is currently no FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine for children younger than age 6 months. CDC recommends that people stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccination,” the agency said in its most recent May 12 update.
According to the CDC, all current mRNA COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States are “bivalent vaccines.”
Vaccination Harms
A study published in August 2022 (pdf) found “irrefutable proof of causality” that mRNA vaccines cause vascular and organ damage. The two most widely used COVID-19 vaccines in the United States—Pfizer and Moderna—are mRNA vaccines.Researchers also found that mRNA vaccines don’t just stay at the injection site. Instead, they travel throughout the body, accumulating in various organs.
Such COVID-19 vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the virus’ spike protein in many organs, thus paving the way for autoimmune-like inflammation. This can result in serious organ damage that can sometimes even lead to death.
“Those of us who warned of the dangers of these COVID shots were widely censored and ridiculed,” said Dr. Christiane Northrup, former fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. “I wish we had been wrong. We weren’t. And we finally have irrefutable proof.”
“In Florida alone, there was a 1,700 percent increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400 percent in overall vaccine administration for the same time period,” the alert said. “The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400 percent.”
In addition to the injuries, the report estimated that there were 310,000 excess deaths as well as 1.36 million disabilities arising from the vaccination.