American trust in pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and other medical services is falling, according to results from a November Gallup poll.
Approval Ratings for Pharma, Hospitals Dropping
Many health care services and providers have fallen in rank over the past 20 years, including pharmaceutical drug companies, which, in 2003, 53 percent of respondents viewed as providing excellent or good care; hospitals, which 70 percent believed provided excellent or good care; and physicians, who received an approval rating of 81 percent. In 2023, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and physicians earned approval from 33 percent, 58 percent, and 69 percent of respondents, respectively.Health insurance companies also experienced a dip in favor from 2010 to 2023; 42 percent of poll respondents thought health insurance companies provided excellent or good care in 2010; 13 years later, only 31 percent believe that.
Gallup noted the changes are likely due to higher health care costs and staff shortages. The pandemic and associated COVID-19 vaccine mandates are also potential factors that could account for the attitude shifts.
Most Adults Would Not Be Comfortable Living in Nursing Homes
Only 25 percent of survey respondents, down from 29 percent in 2003, said that nursing homes provide excellent or good care, while 37 percent said the care provided is poor.Nurses Are a Silver Lining
Within the medical system, nurses are the most trusted providers, with 82 percent of poll respondents saying nurses provide excellent or good care, according to the November poll. Nurses have maintained a high level of trust within the medical system; in 2003, 85 percent of poll respondents ranked them as providing excellent or good care, and in 2010, 88 percent did so. Thus, nurses have consistently topped the list of medical care providers, which includes physicians, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical drug companies, urgent care clinics, and nursing homes.The survey found that 9 in 10 nurses believed the nursing shortage that began with the COVID-19 pandemic is worsening and that burnout, poor working conditions, and inadequate pay are primary concerns. Seventy-nine percent of respondents also said their organizations were inadequately staffed.
Trust in U.S. Institutions Eroding
Despite some bright spots, American trust in the U.S. medical system has neared an all-time low, according to results from a separate Gallup poll several months ago.Across the board, public confidence has waned since 2022 in nearly every category except television news, newspapers, the criminal justice system, the presidency, the U.S. Supreme Court, and organized religion.
Despite its eroding reputation, the medical system ranked as one of the most trusted institutions in the United States today, along with small business (65 percent), the military (60 percent), the police (43 percent), and organized religion (32 percent).