Homeopathy—An Effective Therapy for Fast Recovery From COVID-19

Homeopathy is a treatment method inaugurated by German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790s. Bjoern Wylezich/Shutterstock

Homeopathy is a form of healing developed by German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1790s. Its application significantly reduced the mortality rate of cholera patients during the cholera epidemic in London between the years 1848 and 1854. Studies have also shown that homeopathy can help patients infected with COVID-19 have a fast recovery.

Due to homeopathy being considered to be mild and effective, it has been adopted over the past two centuries by many royal families in Europe, including Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, and Portugal.

The principle of homeopathy is a “like cures like” theory—wherein a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person, used in a dilute dose, can treat an illness with similar symptoms. In homeopathy, less is more when it comes to effectiveness, and the small dose is meant to trigger the body’s natural immune system.

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Homeopathic medicines are produced by diluting derivatives of plants, minerals, and animals into a mother tincture, and diffusing them into small sugar pills.

Homeopathy Helps Patients Recover Faster From COVID-19

In September 2021, a case study published in the journal Complementary Medicine Research found that homeopathic therapies can respond rapidly in moderate to severely diagnosed patients when conventional medical means have failed to alleviate or shorten the duration of the illness.

The study recorded five patients with moderate to severe COVID-19, two of them having been admitted to intensive care units. After administration of homeopathic therapy, all five patients improved quickly and were discharged within a short time. The patients also reported that homeopathy improved their health status.

During the London cholera outbreak of 1854, only 10 of the 61 cases of cholera admitted to the then London Homeopathic Hospital (present-day Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine) died—a death rate of about 16 percent—while out of the 231 cases of cholera at nearby Middlesex Hospital, 123 deaths were reported, a death rate of about 53 percent.
What was the impetus for Hahnemann to seek out alternative therapeutic methods nearly 200 years ago? Certain medical treatments of the time such as bloodletting and the use of poisonous substances were “crude and ineffective,” and Hahnemann discovered that “if a patient had an illness, it could be cured by giving a medicine which, if given to a healthy person, would produce similar symptoms of that same illness but to a slighter degree.”
Homeopathy is a type of alternative or complementary therapy that differs from conventional medicine. Whereas conventional medicine often uses pharmacological or invasive methods to remove pathogens, alternative treatments focus on stimulating the ability of the body to repair itself through energy adjustments and herbal supplements. Homeopathy is part of a variety of more natural medical modalities, including acupuncture, herbs, and massage therapy.

Homeopathy Produces Fantastic Results

I came across homeopathy while living in Malaysia when I was looking for a milder treatment option for my child and found that homeopathy had low side effects. Worst case scenario with homeopathy is that if you choose the wrong remedy, it simply does not work—there are no ill side effects. Best case—when you find the right one—the treatment produces fantastic results—and fast.
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One day my three-year-old child looked dazed and had a fever, so I procured some remedies from a doctor who practiced homeopathy. My child took the remedy easily because the pills were coated with sugar. This is the first time I used homeopathy.

I gave the remedy in the morning, but he still slumped tiredly on the sofa. In the afternoon, I called the doctor, who told me to give the remedy more frequently until there was a response.

I followed the doctor’s advice, and it didn’t take long until my child felt better and started playing again. I could still feel a little bit of fever from touching his forehead, but he had stood up and talked to me with a smile.

At the beginning of the treatment, my child’s temperature rose by one degree. It should be expected and considered normal for patients to get worse before they get better. However, for a second opinion, I took the child to the hospital at dusk for examination, still wanting to use Western medicine as a backup.

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The hospital doctor found my child had tonsillitis and gave him a prescription for a 10-day course of antibiotics. I asked the doctor if I could skip the antibiotics, and he said no, for it was a bacterial infection, because my child had yellow spots on his throat.

My child’s temperature dropped by one degree when we were at the hospital, and I knew the homeopathy had started to show its result, so after getting home, I continued to give my child homeopathic medicine—instead of the antibiotics. The next day, he had only a mild fever. In two to three days, he had fully recovered—and his tonsils never had signs of inflammation again.

Inflammation in the ear and tonsil are diseases that can often recur. After reading and analyzing a variety of sources, I made an informed decision not to give my child antibiotics. Every parent can decide what is best for their child(ren), based on the research available.

Cheryl Ng is a senior editor for the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times and the host of an online news program, with over two decades of experience. Cheryl enjoys studying alternative therapies in her spare time. She studied macrobiotic Chinese food therapy at the (now-closed) Kushi Institute in Massachusetts, USA.
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