Can some of the injuries inflicted by the COVID vaccines be reversed? Let’s take stock of which treatments are most promising, and get started with them.
None of the substances mentioned below can be expected to accomplish a full reversal of vulnerability, risks, and in some cases, outright injury inflicted by the COVID vaccines, but one or more may possibly be effective enough for some people. As always, consult your local healthcare provider for your optimal individualized plan.In the past, I have referred to the post-vaccine recovery treatments recommended by Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik. [1] However, I think there may be some more promising treatments, which I will discuss below.
Prevention is a lot easier than cure. This is why I usually focus my writing on prevention of harm, rather than trying to reverse it.
Nevertheless, let’s go after the spike protein as best we can, if you have already been injected.
The spike protein is the product manufactured by the hijacking of genetic machinery by mRNA COVID vaccines. These newly produced proteins are then taken throughout the body by circulating blood and lymph. Spike proteins have notoriously damaging effects on multiple bodily organs. I have written extensively in my book “Neither Safe Nor Effective” and my Substack articles on these mechanisms of injury.References on these premises of widespread pharmacokinetics and harmful effects on individuals around the world are now in the thousands, and these premises are now understood and accepted as true by increasingly large populations.
Ivermectin has shown the greatest number of distinct effects against spike proteins of any substance I know. Of all substances, I think it offers the best help to the vaccine-injured, as well as to the unvaccinated who suspect that they have been exposed to spike proteins.Ivermectin is produced from cultures of the bacteria Streptomyces avermitilis. You may know of ivermectin as having earned its developers Satoshi Omura and William Campbell the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015, for its tremendous effect against river blindness and filariasis diseases in tropical regions.
Ivermectin has several mechanisms against spike protein.
One of its most impressive effects is that it binds the protein importin alpha/beta-1, which would allow passage of coronavirus-carrying spike protein into the nucleus of human cells. [5] [6] [7]Ivermectin not only binds this importin α/β-1 protein but also destabilizes and inhibits it. This is one of the ways that ivermectin has been so effective against COVID-19 disease, [with more than] 95 studies to date in 27 countries. [8]
Ivermectin has been shown to block spike protein’s clumping effect (called hemagglutination, which can lead to clotting) on red blood cells when ivermectin was dosed either before or after exposure to spike protein. [9] Ivermectin accomplishes this anti-clumping effect by binding tightly to spike protein. [10] [11] Thus hemagglutination is prevented.
This effect against red blood cell clumping is an extremely important action against clotting, which is one of the main means of harm caused by the COVID vaccines. Another mechanism of ivermectin against clotting is its prevention of spike protein interaction with CD-147 on human red blood cells, preventing spike proteins from docking there, and by this means preventing the clumping of red blood cells together. [12]
Ivermectin not only binds to part of the spike protein, but, in a trifecta of good fortune for the human sufferer of spike protein injury, it binds to all three spike protein subunits, both the structural S2 subunit, as well as both of the two S1 subunits. [13] This comprehensive binding effect makes ivermectin’s thwarting of spike mischief that much more effective, than if binding spike only at a single molecule.
COVID-vaccinated people tend to have high levels of inflammation and low immune function, suffering notoriously frequent bouts of COVID, despite the high-profile advertising of the vaccine that they received. Seneff, Nigh, et al. found that this immune damage was primarily characterized by loss of Type I interferon, our most important immune chemical signaling agent. [14] Ivermectin helps restore Type I interferon and interferon-related genes. [15]
Also, because ivermectin so thoroughly binds spike proteins at multiple sites, it holds promise for the related vaccine escape strains, Delta, Omicron, etc. that have continually plagued COVID-vaccinated individuals.
I personally have found in my medical practice that COVID-vaccinated patients tend to feel much better very quickly after taking even one ivermectin dose, and they seem to do much better than those who refuse to take it. I have not yet seen such quick improvements in both well-being and energy in the COVID-vaccinated with any other treatment so far as after even one dose of ivermectin.
Ivermectin can be taken daily or weekly. It has been taken on a weekly basis for decades by people in tropical areas. The safety profile is very impressive. Because ivermectin has been established as one of the world’s safest drugs, [16] the first clinical trial phases have already been completed.
Protecting the Brain
There are at least three known ways that COVID vaccines can injure the brain in unfortunate circumstances.[19] Let’s consider the most promising ways to reverse as much as possible such injuries.Agmatine
Agmatine is made in the body from arginine, a common amino acid in most protein-rich foods. You likely eat some arginine at least once or twice per day, even if vegan. Chemically, agmatine is classified as a polyamine, which is like a protein or peptide, but much smaller.Agmatine, when supplemented, has been shown to protect neurons [20] and the blood-brain-barrier. [21] [22] It also prevents oxidation and edema. [23] It has shown a lot of promise against chronic diseases of the brain, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, [24] as well as acute attack, such as stroke. [25]
Some of the specific effects are that agmatine increases blood flow into and out of the nervous system, seems to improve cognitive function, and helps to repair brain injury. [26] [27]
Phosphatidyl serine
Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is a naturally occurring molecule in the body, located in the membranes of human cells. It serves to keep cells responsive to signaling with other cells. It has been said that PS is the best defense against age-related cognitive decline.In mice, PS was shown to improve learning and memory as well as myelination within three months, [29] and in rats in three weeks, [30] and that was after the rats had initially been given a neurotoxin.Another rat study showed that brain inflammation, neurological deficits, and that surgically-induced ischemic (stroke-like) injury was improved within 24 to 72 hours with PS. [31]Another study found that inflammation was reduced and viable neurons increased, including in the hippocampus, which is active in learning and memory, following oral dosing of PS. [32]
Protecting the Heart and Blood Vessels
Nattokinase also has the highest fibrinolytic and thrombolytic (clot-breaking) effect of tested substances by oral route, and very importantly, it does this without provoking bleeding as a side effect. [34] Many studies have been published on the clot-dissolving effect of nattokinase. [35]Chemically induced clots in dogs were dissolved, and imaging showed that normal blood flow was restored, within five hours after oral dosing of nattokinase. [36] Human response to a single dose of 2000 units of nattokinase showed similar clot-dissolving effect within four hours. [37]
These effects seem especially well-suited to COVID vaccine blood vessel injuries because it is the walls of the blood vessels that are damaged with disruption to normal blood flow that has been so dangerous for COVID-vaccinated people. [38] [39] Those vessel walls and the clots that form at their inner surface seem to be repaired by nattokinase. [40]
Protecting the Immune System
Vitamin D
Vitamin D3, also named cholecalciferol, is the active form of vitamin D. The irony of vitamin D3 luxurious wealth in the homeless (but without other reasons for the rest of us to envy such an economic condition) is that their long exposure to sunlight begins vitamin D production in the skin and is further developed in the liver and kidneys, and this natural production is widely considered to be the best quality vitamin D.Supplemented vitamin D3, while often lifesaving, is a less desirable substitute for skin exposure to sunlight, and of course, must be without sunscreen. Sunscreen, besides containing carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting ingredients, interferes with optimal vitamin D production.
I have lived for decades in one of the sunniest places on earth, Arizona, and play outdoor sports. I have never used sunscreen, because of—not in spite of—risk/benefit analysis.
Vitamin D3 does not seem to affect spike protein antibodies, and may not have much interaction directly with spike proteins,[42] but indirectly, it impacts the ACE-2 receptors that spike proteins use for entry to human cells. [43] [44] The range of benefits for immune function imparted by vitamin D3 is vast and seems to affect all major aspects of immune function.
I cited 130 studies in the chapter on Vitamin D alone, for use against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID, in the book, “The Defeat of COVID.” [45] Of those immune effects that could benefit the COVID-vaccinated, I think one of the strongest may be its support of Type I interferon.
Type I interferon is one of the most important chemical messengers in our immune systems, and this is one of the huge losses of the COVID-vaccinated. This loss of Type I interferon is likely the main reason why they suffer repeated bouts of COVID. [46]
If vitamin D3 levels are above 50, (and I prefer them to be 70 to 100), then both acute COVID and long-COVID have been far less likely to cause hospitalization and death. 109 treatment studies from 32 countries show overwhelming benefit of vitamin D against COVID disease and SARS-CoV-2. [47]
Another protection of vitamin D against COVID-vaccine injury likely involves the following. Researchers have found that vitamin D stabilizes the endothelium within 24 hours, by strengthening cell-cell junctions. [48] The endothelium that lines all of our blood vessels is where tremendous damage is seen in the recent epidemic of myocarditis and brain injuries following the COVID vaccines.
None of these substances can be assumed to be ‘good enough.’
Because none of the above substances can be expected to completely antidote the mild to moderately poisonous effects of the COVID vaccines, I hereby do NOT endorse those vaccines for use by anyone of any age group.Nobody should read this article, and then say, “Well, okay, I’ll give in to my employer/parent/sibling, etc., and get the jab, just to keep the peace, because I can always antidote it later.” No—you cannot always, and can never fully—antidote it.
Rather than relying on an elusive holy grail antidote, you must fight with every legal means available to you to keep these experimental substances out of your body. If you have already had one or a few doses, you must fight like hell—fight as hard as the unvaccinated—to not be inflicted with any more. In this blunt language, I hope to convey necessary urgency.
There are also legal arguments for refusing mandated medical procedures on the assertion of bodily autonomy, based on a century of case law, including many Supreme Court cases. [51]
There are also medical exemptions from principled and courageous medical practitioners near you. If you can’t find any, contact my office in Tempe, Arizona, and we will try to help.
◇ References:
[1] F Yap. FLCCC I-Recover protocol: post vaccine treatment protocol. Mar 18 2023.[26] K Proefrock. Traumatic brain injuries. Lecture, Mar 25 2023. Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine.