It is summer time and while many are cooling off in the pool or planning time in a water park, government officials have issued a health warning: Communal water may be infected with fecal germs and you need to take precautions.
The illnesses listed by CDC include diarrheal illnesses, rashes, ear infections, respiratory infections, and chemical irritation of the eyes and the lungs. “The most commonly reported RWI is diarrhea,” said CDC.
The CDC said a person suffering from diarrhea can easily infect the water that is shared by all swimmers. “It’s not sterile. It’s not drinking water,” it said.
Health officials said that germs causing RWI are killed within minutes by chlorine but it does not happen right away.
It warned that more than half of the diarrhea outbreaks happened in the summer season—the peak season for swimming.
How to Prevent RWIs?
The CDC said one should keep “pee, poop, sweat, blood, and dirt out of the water.”It said those suffering from diarrhea should not go into the water. “Diarrhea and swimming don’t mix! Diarrhea is the most common recreational water illness. Swimmers who are sick with diarrhea—or who have been sick in the last two weeks—risk contaminating pool water with germs,” said CDC.
Health officials say the best way is prevention in this case. “Chlorine cannot kill Crypto quickly. We need to keep it out of the water in the first place. Don’t go into the water, and don’t let your kids go into the water, if sick with diarrhea,” explained Hlavsa.
The CDC explained that a single bowel movement can contain as much as hundreds of millions to one billion germs. “Swallowing even a small amount of water that has been contaminated with these germs can make you sick. Tiny amounts of fecal matter are rinsed off all swimmers’ bottoms as they swim through the water.
“That is why it is so important to stay out of the pool if you are sick with diarrhea, shower before swimming, and avoid swallowing pool water,” the CDC explained.
Another RWI that can happen in communal water is hot tub rash. It is caused by a microscopic germ that is common in the water and soil.
“To reduce the risk of hot tub rash remove your swimsuit and shower with soap after getting out of the water. Clean your swimsuit after getting out of the water,” explained the CDC.