Global Q&A: Exotic Vacation Destination?

The Epoch Times asked “If money was no problem, where would you go and what would you do for an exotic vacation?”
Global Q&A: Exotic Vacation Destination?
Beenish Nasir�Islamabad, Pakistan
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Beenish Nasir�Islamabad, Pakistan" title="Beenish Nasir�Islamabad, Pakistan" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82338"/></a>
Beenish Nasir�Islamabad, Pakistan
Epoch Times reporters from America, Europe, Asia to Down Under asked passers-by: “If money was no problem, describe what where you’d go and what you’d do for an exotic vacation.” Responses include relaxation, experience different cultures, beauty destinations, and explore ancient civilizations. (All photos: Epoch Times Staff)

Islamabad, Pakistan
Beenish Nasir, 25, Assistant Physical Education Teacher
I would go to Thailand and go hiking, camping, basically enjoy the natural surroundings. I would also go there and play sports and get to know their culture. I would also like to teach them about Pakistani culture. If I could extend my vacation, I would also like to visit America ... and learn as much as I could about martial arts.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Katarina Fercakova�Presov, Slovakia" title="Katarina Fercakova�Presov, Slovakia" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82339"/></a>
Katarina Fercakova�Presov, Slovakia

Presov, Slovakia
Katarina Fercakova, 47, High School Teacher
I think I would go anywhere, to a place where I would be with my friends and my husband, whom I also count as one...[laugh]. It could be China for example, because of its landmarks and history. To enjoy the sea I would go to Cuba, where there are beautiful beaches and palm trees. But an exotic vacation is not just lying on the beach for me; it should be balanced with discovering that country’s history.

Rasht, Iran
Giti, 68, Elementary School Teacher
I would travel all around the world and become familiar with traditions and the ways of living of different nations. I would take pictures, visit tourist cites, and have a good time.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Trish Calder�Perth, Western Australia " title="Trish Calder�Perth, Western Australia " width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82340"/></a>
Trish Calder�Perth, Western Australia

Perth, Western Australia
Trish Calder, Stay-at-home Mum
I would like to go to Cambodia again. I went there five years ago and I love the people and the culture. It is one of those places that you can get a sense of the place; it is not too commercialized. I would go back to Angkor Wat with my children to see the temples. I would also want to go to the coast to see the beautiful beaches and people.




<a href=""><img src="" alt="Mario Collazos�Colombia" title="Mario Collazos�Colombia" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82341"/></a>
Mario Collazos�Colombia
Mario Collazos, 31, Student studying in Perth, Australia
I would like to go to China because I have not been there and I find the Chinese culture fascinating. I want to see Shanghai and the Great Wall of China.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Crystal Gautam�Salt Lake City, Utah, USA " title="Crystal Gautam�Salt Lake City, Utah, USA " width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82342"/></a>
Crystal Gautam�Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Crystal Gautam, 23, Activities Director
I would like to go to the British Isles. I’ve traveled to Hawaii, New Zealand, and Tonga. I have friends who have traveled to the British Isles and I have heard great stories of their visits, it sounded very interesting. I thought this would be a place I would like to visit.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Steve Barnett�Hamilton, New Zealand" title="Steve Barnett�Hamilton, New Zealand" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82343"/></a>
Steve Barnett�Hamilton, New Zealand
Hamilton, New Zealand
Steve Barnett, 54, Duty Technician
I would go to Papua New Guinea to look at the exotic birds in the forest—the beauty of them. It is absolutely another world undiscovered. I'd also love to go to the Himalayas in India, to the Indian Ocean on an elephant. It has always been in my mind, but [it’s] been a question of time and money.





<a href=""><img src="" alt="Khalil Djalal�Ottawa, Canada" title="Khalil Djalal�Ottawa, Canada" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82344"/></a>
Khalil Djalal�Ottawa, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
Khalil Djalal, 24, Engineering Graduate student
I would like to make an historical and archeological tour of the central Saharan region. I would like to go through the ancient Garamantian civilizations, southern Libya, all of Chad (central Sahara) and see all the ancient archeological sites of civilizations in that region to understand how they lived, what were their diplomatic, political relations between one another. From an architectural perspective, how did they build their cities; how did they organize themselves in terms of engineering—the water networks that they built, and just how advanced were these civilizations.


<a href=""><img src="" alt="Haim David�Athens, Greece" title="Haim David�Athens, Greece" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82345"/></a>
Haim David�Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece
Haim David, 22, Musician
I would like to go anywhere with Sun and without stress. I would play music and I would like to meet people and new kinds of music.







<a href=""><img src="" alt="Ch�en I-ju�Taipei City, Taiwan" title="Ch�en I-ju�Taipei City, Taiwan" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82346"/></a>
Ch�en I-ju�Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei City, Taiwan
Ch’en I-ju, 18, Cake Maker
If money wasn’t a problem, I would help poor people. I’d travel the world and help out the poor people. Where would I start? The closest countries to here, then moving on around the world. Why? Because they are very sad, so I want to help them.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Turdeanu Monica�Reghin, Romania" title="Turdeanu Monica�Reghin, Romania" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82347"/></a>
Turdeanu Monica�Reghin, Romania
Reghin, Romania
Turdeanu Monica Tatiana, 51, Engineer and Business Owner
If money would not be a problem, I would choose a destination with beautiful sights—mountains, lakes, fast rivers, cascades, preferably during summer. What would I do? I would enjoy nature and I would relax. Of course I would also need some decent comfort, so probably I would choose a hut or a hotel.




<a href=""><img src="" alt="Miroslav Vozdecky�Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic" title="Miroslav Vozdecky�Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-82348"/></a>
Miroslav Vozdecky�Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Miroslav Vozdecky, 31, Marketing Agent
Well, if you would ask me about sightseeing that would be a different story, but a holiday is something I see as relaxation, a time to rest, so I would definitely end up on some tropical island like on Seychelles or the Maldives, because I never experienced this kind of holiday and I always wanted to.