Fruit Sugar: Good Food With a Bad Reputation

Fruit Sugar: Good Food With a Bad Reputation
Not all sugar is created equal. Added sugars shouldn't be consumed, but fruit sugars should be gobbled up. (Sharomka/Shutterstock)
Although we are urged to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit consumption isn’t what it should be, and one reason may be a fear of fruit sugar. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about 10 percent of adults eat enough fruits or vegetables. In 2015, only 12 percent of adults met the recommendations for fruit consumption, with the lowest intake among men, young adults, and adults who live in poverty.

What Is Fruit Sugar?

Fruit sugar is the type of sugar you find in fruit; that is, fructose. It’s been shown that very high levels of fructose are harmful to your health, but this isn’t a concern with fruit itself.

Concentrated fructose has been associated with high uric acid which can lead to high blood pressure and gout, belly fat resulting in type 2 diabetes, increased hunger, and high triglycerides, which can lead to heart disease.

However, the natural fructose found in fruits is present in relatively low amounts, which is important to keep in mind.

Added sugars such as high fructose corn syrup are what we like to avoid.

Is Fruit Sugar Bad for You?

No, and here’s why. While added sugars are not good for your health, fruit is different. You would have to eat an incredible amount of fruit to get excessive amounts of fructose. Fresh fruit also contains a wealth of vitamins, , antioxidants, fiber, and water, all essential for overall health and well-being. The fiber allows the fructose to be absorbed more slowly. Fruit is a healthy package and one you should enjoy daily. Fruit shouldn’t be an indulgence, it’s an essential part of an overall nutritious lifestyle.

Why is Fruit Sugar Good for You?

Not all sugar is the same. Added sugars are vastly different from the sugars naturally present in fruits and vegetables.

Our body and brain need sugar to function. Our cells require the right kind of sugar to operate, and that right kind is found in fresh fruits and some vegetables, such as winter squash and sweet potatoes.

The brain stores glycogen, which is composed largely of glucose. Glycogen is the main storage form of glucose in the human body. Since the body converts fructose into glucose (29 to 54 percent of fructose is transformed into glucose in the liver), you need fructose, but you need the healthy kind, like that found in fruit.

How to Enjoy More Fruit

What will it take for you to include more fruit in your diet? Here are a few incentives to get you to make fruit your friend.
Keep in mind what constitutes a serving:
  1. 1 medium apple, banana, orange, pear
  2. 1/2 cup of chopped fresh, cooked, or canned fruit
  3. 1 cup of fruit juice
  • Add fruit to what you are currently eating. Fresh fruit enhances cereal, salads, and smoothies. Some fruits, such as berries and bananas, are refreshing and delicious when eaten frozen.
  • If you are watching your carb intake, choose low-carb, low-sugar, nutrient-dense fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew, and avocado.
  • When choosing fruit juices, make sure they don’t contain any added sugar and pick organic products when possible.
  • Enjoy frozen fruit juice in DIY popsicles. Kids and adults love them.
  • Limit the amount of high-sugar fruits you eat. These include dates, dried fruit such as mango, and pineapple.
  • If you choose dried fruit, select those that are sulfite-free. By weight, dried fruit contains up to 3.5 times the vitamins, minerals, and fiber as fresh fruit, so you can eat less and get a powerhouse of nutrients. Dried fruit is especially high in polyphenols, which have been shown to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and support better digestive health. They also are high in fruit sugar and calories, so monitor how much you eat.
  • You can add fruit juice to vegetables and protein to get a complete meal.

Bottom Line

Have no fear of fruit sugar. If you enjoy the recommended amount of fruit per day and avoid added processed sugars, you will be doing your body a really sweet favor.
Lisa Roth Collins is a registered holistic nutritionist and also the marketing manager at, which first published this article.
Lisa Roth Collins is a registered holistic nutritionist and also the marketing manager at, which first published this article.
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