The World Journal, run by a parent company in Taiwan with offices in Toronto and Vancouver, has announced that it is closing its Canadian operations after several years of financial losses.
The chief editor of a Chinese-language newspaper published in Toronto says she was fired for running an article that was critical of Ontario cabinet minister Michael Chan following complaints from the Chinese consulate and pro-Beijing groups that back Chan, the Globe and Mail has reported.
The World Journal, an overseas Chinese newspaper, says that the murder of a Houston man and his family relates to Zhou Yongkang, the former Chinese security boss.
While English-language newspapers in New York are labeling Comptroller John Liu a “Liu-ser” in light of alleged acts of campaign fraud committed by his treasurer and fundraiser, the major Chinese-language newspapers in the city continue to support Liu in his mayoral campaign.
Liu receives much support from state-run Chinese regime media, inside and outside of China, which portray him as a celebrity figure, warmly received by the public.