
transgender students

7th California School District Adopts Policy to Notify Parents of Child’s Gender Status Change

7th California School District Adopts Policy to Notify Parents of Child’s Gender Status Change

California Judge Blocks School District’s Policy Notifying Parents of Child’s Gender Status Change

California Judge Blocks School District’s Policy Notifying Parents of Child’s Gender Status Change

Alaska Board of Education Votes to Support Ban on Transgender Athletes on Girls’ High School Teams

Alaska Board of Education Votes to Support Ban on Transgender Athletes on Girls’ High School Teams

California Parents Introduce Ballot Initiatives Opposing Gender Ideology

California Parents Introduce Ballot Initiatives Opposing Gender Ideology

California AG Sues School District Over Policy Notifying Parents of Child’s Gender Status Change

California AG Sues School District Over Policy Notifying Parents of Child’s Gender Status Change

More California School Districts Decide to Inform Parents of Child’s Gender Status

More California School Districts Decide to Inform Parents of Child’s Gender Status

More Southern California School Districts Considering Informing Parents of Child’s Gender Status

More Southern California School Districts Considering Informing Parents of Child’s Gender Status