
right-wing extremism

12 Right-Wing Terrorists Arrested in Germany Over Plot to Spark ‘Civil-War-Like Situation’

12 Right-Wing Terrorists Arrested in Germany Over Plot to Spark ‘Civil-War-Like Situation’

Arizona White Supremacist Sentenced to 40 Years

Arizona White Supremacist Sentenced to 40 Years

Breivik Gives Chilling Account of Mass Shooting

Breivik Gives Chilling Account of Mass Shooting

Anders Breivik Planned 3 Car Bombs for Oslo

Anders Breivik Planned 3 Car Bombs for Oslo

Prosecution Chips Away at Breivik’s Claim of Militant Network

Prosecution Chips Away at Breivik’s Claim of Militant Network

Breivik Boasts Over Killings, Defends Actions

Breivik Boasts Over Killings, Defends Actions