

Fire Chief Investigates Past Life as Civil War General: Group Reincarnation? (+Video)

Fire Chief Investigates Past Life as Civil War General: Group Reincarnation? (+Video)

Prominent Surgeon: Evidence Soul May Leave Body in Near-Death Experience

Prominent Surgeon: Evidence Soul May Leave Body in Near-Death Experience

Studies Explore Life After Death

Studies Explore Life After Death

A Physicist’s Explanation of Why the Soul May Exist

A Physicist’s Explanation of Why the Soul May Exist

How Common Are Near-Death Experiences? NDEs by the Numbers

How Common Are Near-Death Experiences? NDEs by the Numbers

Cambridge Science Historian Contemplates Place of Parapsychology

Cambridge Science Historian Contemplates Place of Parapsychology

The Neuroscience of Near-Death Experiences

The Neuroscience of Near-Death Experiences

The Profound Near-Death Experience of a Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor

The Profound Near-Death Experience of a Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor

Marry a Dead Girl? This Is A Thing in China

China Uncensored: Marry a Dead Girl? This Is A Thing in China

Accounts of People Who Seem to Literally Be From Parallel Universes

Accounts of People Who Seem to Literally Be From Parallel Universes

Charles Fort: Pioneer in Scientific Anomalies Research or Anti-Dogmatist Who Collected Bizarre Stories?

Charles Fort: Pioneer in Scientific Anomalies Research or Anti-Dogmatist Who Collected Bizarre Stories?

Ghosts of Japan Tsunami Victims Said to Possess Locals, Call for Help

Ghosts of Japan Tsunami Victims Said to Possess Locals, Call for Help

Deathbed Visions: Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson Discusses His Research

Deathbed Visions: Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson Discusses His Research

Hearing Ghost Voices: Scientific Studies

Hearing Ghost Voices: Scientific Studies

The Eye Floater Phenomenon: Between Science and Spirituality

The Eye Floater Phenomenon: Between Science and Spirituality

Using Psychics in the Courtroom: Parapsychology Consultant Discusses

Using Psychics in the Courtroom: Parapsychology Consultant Discusses

From Flying Stones to a Divine Motorcycle: 4 of India’s Strangest Phenomena

From Flying Stones to a Divine Motorcycle: 4 of India’s Strangest Phenomena