
Middle Ages

Guédelon: New Findings During the Build

Guédelon: New Findings During the Build

Tucson Artifacts Suggest Romans Made It to New World in 8th Century: Expert

Tucson Artifacts Suggest Romans Made It to New World in 8th Century: Expert

Homunculus: The Alchemical Creation of Little People With Great Powers

Homunculus: The Alchemical Creation of Little People With Great Powers

Oldest Piece of Polyphonic Music Found: 1,100-Year-Old Chant (+Listen Here)

Oldest Piece of Polyphonic Music Found: 1,100-Year-Old Chant (+Listen Here)

UFOs Invade Renaissance Art?

UFOs Invade Renaissance Art?

Strange Cases of Mass Hysteria Through History

Strange Cases of Mass Hysteria Through History

Medieval Woodcut Shows UFO Battle Over Nuremberg Germany, 1561?

Medieval Woodcut Shows UFO Battle Over Nuremberg Germany, 1561?