

Astronomers Say Advanced Alien Civilizations Have Existed

Astronomers Say Advanced Alien Civilizations Have Existed

Universe Expanding Faster Than Expected

Universe Expanding Faster Than Expected

Star Wars Inspired Me to Become an Astrophysicist—And I Wasn’t Disappointed

Star Wars Inspired Me to Become an Astrophysicist—And I Wasn’t Disappointed

Where Are the Missing Gravitational Waves?

Where Are the Missing Gravitational Waves?

Don’t Fear Falling Into a Black Hole—You May Live on as a Hologram

Don’t Fear Falling Into a Black Hole—You May Live on as a Hologram

Where’s the Proof in Science? There Is None

Where’s the Proof in Science? There Is None

3 Alternatives to the Big Bang Theory

3 Alternatives to the Big Bang Theory

What Are the Chances of Finding Aliens in Dark Matter, Black Holes?

What Are the Chances of Finding Aliens in Dark Matter, Black Holes?

Leading Astrophysicist Talks Obstacles, Expectations for Next Big Step in Space Observation

Leading Astrophysicist Talks Obstacles, Expectations for Next Big Step in Space Observation

From Black Holes to Dark Matter, an Astrophysicist Explains

From Black Holes to Dark Matter, an Astrophysicist Explains

Astronomer Says Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions

Astronomer Says Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions

9 Scientists Who Dispute Theory of Gravity

9 Scientists Who Dispute Theory of Gravity

Oort Cloud Around Solar System May Tell Us About Creation, Still a Mystery

Oort Cloud Around Solar System May Tell Us About Creation, Still a Mystery

Diamond-Rich Exoplanet Double Earth’s Size

Diamond-Rich Exoplanet Double Earth’s Size

Solving Pioneer Anomaly Assists Future Interstellar Travel

Solving Pioneer Anomaly Assists Future Interstellar Travel