Financed by extortion, kidnapping, and a billion-dollar cocaine trafficking operation, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) waged a guerrilla war against Colombian government for more than a half-century until 2016, when the far-left rebels signed a peace deal that’s still being implemented. The decadeslong conflict has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more, including many families who settled in Florida.

He also argued that the move could “embolden terrorist groups throughout Latin America,” empower narco-traffickers, and pave the way for a revival of left-wing authoritarian Castro-Chavezism in Colombia.
DeSantis’s criticism was echoed by U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, who is seeking the Democratic nomination in an attempt to unseat DeSantis as governor in 2022. The former-governor-turned-congressman said FARC has earned its designation as a terrorist group for causing “decades of war and death.”
“I join Colombians across Florida and our nation, deeply troubled by reports that the State Department is considering removing FARC from the list of international terrorist organizations,” Crist said in a statement. “It should not earn its legitimacy from the United States without the advice and consent from the community who call America home.”
“This news is outrageous and I just hung up with the State Department to let them know just how outrageous it is,” she said.
“I don’t have any update on that,” Psaki said. “I’m happy to check with our national security team and see if there’s anything we can get to all of you.”
The State Department has responded to The Epoch Times’ request for comment, saying that it has “provided Congress with notification of upcoming actions” it is taking with regard to the FARC, but has no further comment on those actions. FARC remains on the department’s international terrorist organizations list as of the time of publication.