First Man in World to Receive Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Publicly Dies of Unrelated Illness

The first man to get publicly vaccinated for COVID-19 in the world died of an unrelated illness about six months after receiving the jab.
First Man in World to Receive Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Publicly Dies of Unrelated Illness
A nurse adminsters the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine to patient William "Bill" Shakespeare (L), 81, at University Hospital in Coventry, England, on Dec. 8, 2020. (Jacob King/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Lorenz Duchamps

The first man to get publicly vaccinated for COVID-19 in the world died of an unrelated illness about six months after receiving the jab, according to multiple reports.

William Shakespeare died of a stroke on May 20, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust told the BBC.

The 81-year-old man died at the same medical center in Coventry where he remained as a patient. He received both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab in early December, shortly after 91-year-old Margaret Keenan, the first woman who got the shot.

His wife said in a tribute to her husband he was “so grateful” and “hugely proud” to being offered to become one of the first persons in the world to be given the vaccine.

“Bill was so grateful for being offered the opportunity to become one of the first people in the world to be given the vaccine,” she said. “It was something he was hugely proud of—he loved seeing the media coverage and the positive difference he was able to make to the lives of so many.”

Shakespeare leaves behind his wife of 53 years, two sons, as well as his grandchildren.

He had a passion for photography and was also very talented with it, his wife said. He also regularly attended gigs to take photos of the musicians for his love of Jazz music and passion to help people in any way possible.

The UK is also entitled to offering an 82-year-old man to become the first person in the world to receive the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly referred to as the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.
Brian Pinker, 82, receives the Oxford University/AstraZeneca CCP virus vaccine from nurse Sam Foster at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, England, on Jan. 4, 2021. (Steve Parsons/Pool via Reuters)
Brian Pinker, 82, receives the Oxford University/AstraZeneca CCP virus vaccine from nurse Sam Foster at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, England, on Jan. 4, 2021. (Steve Parsons/Pool via Reuters)

“I am so pleased to be getting the COVID vaccine today and really proud that it is one that was invented in Oxford,” said Brian Pinker, a kidney dialysis patient who received the jab in early January.

The first Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine inoculations came just under a month since the UK also became the first country in the world to commence the rollout of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

Trevor Cowlett, an 88-year-old music teacher, was reportedly the second person in the world, bar those who have received it in clinical trials, to get the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab, and Andrew Pollard, the head of the Oxford Vaccine Group and its chief investigator, was the third.

Epoch Times reporter Mary Clark contributed to this report.
Lorenz Duchamps is a news writer for NTD, The Epoch Times’ sister media, focusing primarily on the United States, world, and entertainment news.
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